Any advice on what steroids to avoid if your prone to acne break outs. My back is breaking out significantly and I can’t seem to get it under control. I thought it was the deca, but I thing it from the tes.
Any advice?
Any advice on what steroids to avoid if your prone to acne break outs. My back is breaking out significantly and I can’t seem to get it under control. I thought it was the deca, but I thing it from the tes.
Any advice?
I couldn't tell ya what aas to avoid but I had the same problem and went to a Dermatologist. Hooked me up with some prescription peroxide and went from my back being covered to 1-2 zits now max. Just my two cents gl bro.
They all cause it, I hate it , I never get acne except on cycle, first just back, now this cycle shoulders and chest, its pissing me off,,it seems to get worse every cycle I do
Vitamin b5 5g a day to cut down oil production. Diluted topical apple cider vinegar a few times a day to kill bacteria. Working better than any prescription thing I've tried yet. Research side effects with megadosing b5 though because it can cause some issues.
Look into the extended release or spread it throughout the day. It seemed to really mess with my stomach and kill my appetite. I was up to 8g a day and I took half in the morning half in the evening. Thats 16 pills total. I am now back to 5g a day and taking 2 after every meal. This seems to be working better for me. I'm on test, deca, and dbol now. My acne was what I would call moderatly cystic all over my arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Its cleared up considerably even though I'm on gear. It really does slow the oil production a lot. Dilute the apple cider vinegar 50/50. It can cause skin irritation if you don't use enough water.
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