adding alot more flax?


New member
if i was having trouble putting on weight and im already eating way over my body weight in protein. i shoot for as much as protein as possible and tottally stay away from sugers. i already eat like 30 grams a day in flax and stay away from saturated fats. would it be a bad idea to really up the flax in my diet to gain quality weight?
i was gonna add a weight gainer in their or something like muscle milk but i figure whats the point of adding those fats if i can add omega three fats insead. also before u say add more real food, i do eat a lot of brown rice and chicken and steak, im not home alot thou and im not a millionair. i been drinking rtd iso pure when im at school. during the day and eat as much real food as i can when im home.
dude calm down and get all your thoughts into one post.

give us some stats and your usual diet instead of "i eat brown rice, chicken and steak"

and no theres nothing wrong with more flax.
i weigh about 180-185 im 5'7. ive been around 200 before but thats when i was home to cook all day. Now im at school and cant afford to keep buying 10$ meals. I have acces to like whole wheat bagels and isopure rtds when im at school furing the day. i eat whole meals when i am home and my point was that they are very clean and have no fat in them so i was wondering if adding like a lot more healthy fat would be a bad idea. i consume like 30 grams of flax a day, 1-1.5 grams of protein but usually closer to 1.5. im not sure of the amount of carbs but its usually as much as i can stomach as long as long as its slow burning and i have protein to go along with it. i cant really count callories because my days are never ever the same and my sleeping and eating times change all the time. i work out very hard and stick to basic movments. sorry if my post is unorganized but i been up for like 24 hours writing a mad long paper for school and i dont have any concentration left.

so i was wondering how many grams of carbs i should shoot for and also how many grams of flax i could add to my already low fat low suger diet. i wanted to gain like 20 pounds with out getty chubby. thanks for the help and sorry again for the messy post.
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Flax is a GREAT suppliment, but is not at all the answer to your probz. Your answer is CALORIES and lots of them. Fu*k the low sugar-fat diet! If you want to put 20 lbs on your frame you need to eat every and anything! If you keep worrying about getting fat, you will NEVER grow!
If you want to put on need to simply take in dense Kcal foods. I hear ya on the whole school bit, im at college too. 5'10" Im cutting now and currently at 192lbs. but when i was gaining i was up 210lbs. A quick and easy way to put some mass on is a good Post Workout meal. I use about 100g of dextrose and 50g. of whey protein. Quick...Cheap...and the dextrose will last for about a month at $3. Its my college love. Overall, i took in about 3500-4000 Kcal., 300g. of protein, 400g. carbs, and around 100g. of fat. Goog fat, you seem to have that down with the flax. Almonds and fish are gangster as well.
if i use one of the normal sized protein scoops, how many grams of dextrose is that, i usuallly use one scoop dextrose and 75 grams of protein post work out
simpllyhuge said:
if i use one of the normal sized protein scoops, how many grams of dextrose is that, i usuallly use one scoop dextrose and 75 grams of protein post work out

I believe 1 scoop equals 75g of dextrose. I use the scoop that comes with Optimum Nutrition whey.
Also if you need to get some fructose and add it to your shakes in the day. The surgar to best stay away from is sucrose, common table surgar, everything else isn't to bad but dextrose and maltodextrin you want to limit to PWO shakes
Start cooking your food in Olive oil. That is a healthy fat. I cook all of my chicken in and white fish in it. I don't cook it with Salmon though, because Salmon contains enough natural healthy fats.
I like the liquid the better. I usually have a protein shake and 2 tbsp of flax right before bed. I will blend the shake in the blender with ice and while I am waiting on that I will down 2 measured tablespoons really fast. It tastes like shit so that is why I would rather get it over with quick and wash it down with the good tasting protein shake. A lot of people like to mix it in with their protein shake, but I figured you would have to taste that shit the whole time your drinking your shake. So I just down it and get it over with.

The reason I don't like the caps is because you get a whole lot more from the liquid. I think the caps only come in like 5 mgs or something, I could be wrong, but I think thatis the way it works.

Also it could be in my head, but I think if your going to have to down a healthy fat like this, its best to do it in oil form.
beef eater, i do the same shit. its weird thou i know its nasty but i started to like crave that shit. i think maybe its my body telling me its good. similiar to the way you crave carbs and dont crave meat when your on a low carb diet. ive been taking like 4-6 tea spoons a day. but i havent really been eating any meat so i need to get some fat calories from some where. i haven really had time to be grilling shit so i been living off off brown rice and protein shakes.