adding mast with low test, high tren


New member
6th week so far on this blast (12-16 week blast)
On a current cut as we speak (still carb cycling at 3000 cals)
Weight 220lbs
calipers got me at 12-13 percent bodyfat right now possible lower and wanna lean down to 7 to 8 percent bf by the time I am done
Blast looks like this
300MG test e/week
700mg tren a/week (1ml ed)
T3 50mcg ed
adex .25 eod

Now never ran mast before, would I be better to go with mast p, or mast e?, also was thinking of running my mast at 400mg/week
What does mast have to offer as well?
Thanks for the replies bros
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Mast E for sure, much more cost effective and provide the exact same results. I wouldnt run it any lower than 600 per week. Ive ran it 4 times now and 600 seems to be the sweet spot where it starts to shine. Over 600, even better if you can afford it.
Sounds good bro, so u don't recommended the mast p since pinning tren ed Schredder?
Any sides u experienced with mast running with tren that I should be aware.of in your personal experience
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Sounds good bro, so u don't recommended the mast p since pinning tren ed Schredder?
Any sides u experienced with mast running with tren that I should be aware.of in your personal experience
You can still pin the Enan ester ED if it makes life easier, just adjust accordingly to meet your weekly dose. I say Mast E over P due to the fact you will save A LOT of money. They produce identical results. The only sides ive experienced were positive ones. Increase well being, increased libido, strength, visual effects of course, you generally feel like a million bucks on that stuff. Nothing negative whatsoever. By FAR my favorite compound. The only issue that I could see arising would be acne or hairloss being that is it a DHT compound. But if you havent suffered from these issues in the past you wont have an issue.
Running it with Tren will only make things better it terms of mental issues that could arise. It wont make them worse, at least thats what I I experienced.
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Thanks shred, GONNA add in mast e next week
Heard mast obviously works and appears better on bf at 10 percent or lower, that's where the mast shines giving u the muscle hardness, find u got grainy as hell running tren and mast?
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Thanks shred, GONNA add in mast e next week
Heard mast obviously works and appears better on bf at 10 percent or lower, that's where the mast shines giving u the muscle hardness, find u got grainy as hell running tren and mast?

Ya the lower the better Matt. Although even at 12-15% your going to see results visually still. And aside from what you see in the mirror, Mast provides other benefits too. A mild AI, frees up more of the Test youeshootig and it binds to the SHBG. Ya I find I get super grainy and dry looking. The funny thing about Mast, is if you look on paper at the anabolic:androgenic ratio it would suggest Mast to be quite mild. If you get your hand on some good quality Mast you find this out to be quite the opposite.