Hey all, just wanted to get a few suggestions on my Epi cycle, I started about a week ago. I know, in reality there is only 1 "real" answer, but hoping that some bros can throw out some options to me. Like I said, Im a week into an Epi cycle that I previously bridged from a 6wk ostarine cycle. Everyhing is going dandy, feel great, starting to gain some strength, and more vascular. My original plan was to run for 5 weeks, providing that I was feeling ok. so heres the kicker...I come home from work today, and my wife informed me that she booked an All-inclusive trip to the D.R. for the first week in june,perfect timing.Just as my cycle was to finish...Surprise!!! So now, I know the logical thing to do is cut the cycle short, and start over when I get back. Im not a huge drinker, and I know its horrible for both cycle, and post cycle therapy (pct). However, on vacation, I do like to enjoy my share, but never go overboard. So, how bad would it be to run my cycle a little over 6 weeks and run post cycle therapy (pct) when I get back? Im just afraid by this time, my liver will already be taking a beating from the epi. I am taking liv-52, and N2Guard, along with fish oil, and plenty of water. Without flaming too much, what do you all think?