Advice/input on my first cycle


New member
This will be my first cycle. This is what I have come up with from what I've gathered from the multiple people I've talked to, and the hours I've spent reading.
I appreciate any and all criticism and advice.

23 years old
BF: 10%
weight: 181lbs
height: 5'9"
I've been working out for over 2 years. started at 185lbs and FAT. got down to 130lbs 6% BF. Now I'm back to 181.
Diet is clean. whole foods, 80% organic, AT LEAST a gram of protein per pound of weight everyday.
Workouts/training are also on point. currently in week 5/8 on Jay Cutler 8 week mass.

Week 1-4 25mg Dbol everyday
Week 1-9 Celery Seed(extract), Hawthorn Berries(extract), and Milk Thistle for cycle support
Week 1 Test E 200mg (100mg thursday evening - 100mg monday morning)
Week 2-8 Test E 300 mg (150mg thursday evening - 150mg monday morning)
Week 9 Test E 200mg (100mg thursday evening - 100mg monday morning)
I will also be running exemestane(aromasin) on cycle. Do I start week 1?
PCT Nolva

Thank you.
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Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links you will see a template for a properly planned first cycle:

The basic first cycle is 500mg test e a week 250mg E3.5D you can make good gains on that dosage. I think what your proposing isn't much more than your natural test levels at 200 or 300 mg a week that's trt or a little above so your shutting yourself down and not maximizing your gains

Your cycle should be 12 weeks.

No dbol first cycle see how you react to test only then add other compounds in later cycles.

Your liver support is out dated Celery Seed(extract), Hawthorn Berries(extract), and Milk Thistle for cycle support should be using NAC

Ai on first cycle should be from day 1.

How about HCG?

PCT should be nolva and clomid

Read that link "educate before you medicate"
Wow you have the EXACT same stats as me when i started and I also started at 23yrs old as well, crazy. The only difference is I had been working out several more years than you.

As far as the cycle, I would stick to Test E ONLY. You will get awesome gains from just that alone, plus u need to see how ur body will react to test. Thats why its good to do a test only cycle ur first time. But trust me dude, youll be more than satisfied brother.
thanks for the response!
allow me to elaborate on my situation a little.
basically i live paycheck to paycheck. (protein and high calorie diet are budgeted in)
I had some tax money left over after catching up some bills.
i came across a smoking deal on 50 25mg dbol and 10 ml of test E (250mg/ml)
i bought my AI. and have to buy my PCT. from what i read i thought i only need nolva. but if nolva and clomid are necessary than that's what i need to do.
as for 500mg a week of test E, that puts me on a lame non/barely beneficial 5 week cycle.
and unfortunately at this time i just don't have money for more test.
So i'm sure you're thinking if i can't afford to do it right then don't do it, which i understand.
but i'm to the point where i have 3 sides to a square. i have the gear already. So i would much rather make some gains, from what i've read(which we know means nothing) i should be able to get/keep 15lbs? and lose some bf. and if that's true that is more than fine with me. i would be a happy man with 15 more pounds. i would rather get 15 now, instead of waiting 6 months for me to afford more stuff for better gains, when i would just be able to cycle again in 6 months instead.
I am fine with holding off on the dbol if multiple people tell me its better.
is more test still your recommendation?

sorry for the long reply... just trying to pick the minds of the veterans.
Bro u need alot more test to do a cycle... it takes 5 weeks just to kick in...
Welcome to ology.

Read this thread and all its links you will see a template for a properly planned first cycle:

The basic first cycle is 500mg test e a week 250mg E3.5D you can make good gains on that dosage. I think what your proposing isn't much more than your natural test levels at 200 or 300 mg a week that's trt or a little above so your shutting yourself down and not maximizing your gains

Your cycle should be 12 weeks.

No dbol first cycle see how you react to test only then add other compounds in later cycles.

Your liver support is out dated Celery Seed(extract), Hawthorn Berries(extract), and Milk Thistle for cycle support should be using NAC

Ai on first cycle should be from day 1.

How about HCG?

PCT should be nolva and clomid

Read that link "educate before you medicate"

thanks for the response!
allow me to elaborate on my situation a little.
basically i live paycheck to paycheck. (protein and high calorie diet are budgeted in)
I had some tax money left over after catching up some bills.
i came across a smoking deal on 50 25mg dbol and 10 ml of test E (250mg/ml)
i bought my AI. and have to buy my PCT. from what i read i thought i only need nolva. but if nolva and clomid are necessary than that's what i need to do.
as for 500mg a week of test E, that puts me on a lame non/barely beneficial 5 week cycle.
and unfortunately at this time i just don't have money for more test.
So i'm sure you're thinking if i can't afford to do it right then don't do it, which i understand.
but i'm to the point where i have 3 sides to a square. i have the gear already. So i would much rather make some gains, from what i've read(which we know means nothing) i should be able to get/keep 15lbs? and lose some bf. and if that's true that is more than fine with me. i would be a happy man with 15 more pounds. i would rather get 15 now, instead of waiting 6 months for me to afford more stuff for better gains, when i would just be able to cycle again in 6 months instead.
I am fine with holding off on the dbol if multiple people tell me its better.
is more test still your recommendation?

sorry for the long reply... just trying to pick the minds of the veterans.
Just wait a few more weeks/months. Save up the money and get everything you need to do it right. What is a little longer in the scheme of things. You are too young to be cycling anyway. You really should be waiting until you are 25 years old when your endociribw system is done developing.
Take the time to do it right. Save up your money and buy what you need to do it right. If you run 100-200 a week then you are shutting off you natural test for the same natural levels you currently have. If you have been able to gain that much lean weight in 2 years then ride that wave until it crashes on the beach my friend:) Not worth it to shut a well working and young system like yours.

As far as the dbol is concerned. Save it or sell it for the extra money for the needed test. If you save it run it on the second cycle. Reason being the name of the game with gear is learning how you react to each compound individually and learning how to control your E with each compound. That way when you introduce a new compound it is easier to tell whats messing with you. Dbol converts a lot of E. So if you have not already figured out how to control E while on just test then your asking for trouble adding another compound that converts as well. Test and Dbol are the 2 worst when it comes to converting to E. Test is a necessary compound for all cycles for males. So not throwing dirt on it at all. Just making a point.

Good luck to you, Keep training hard. Training and diet is 80% of this the gear works best on those that know how to gain without it. Stick to your current path ride that natty wave bro. Try to be patient:) Live in the moment.
well i would like to think i know how to gain natural.
i re-measured my height. i am 5'7" 180lbs 10-12% BF. a year and a half ago i weighed 133.....
I've eliminated dbol. and got rid of my test e.
new cycle will be
week 1 test cyp 200mg
week 2 test cyp 250mg
week 3 test cyp 250mg
week 4 test cyp 300mg
week 5 test cyp 350mg
week 6-8 test cyp 400mg
week 9 test cyp 450mg
exemestane(aromasin) during cycle
nolva (and probably clomid) pct

please don't tell me that the doses aren't high enough. i respect your input and opinions, but natural test production is less than half of 200 a week, and i have read up on plenty of people seeing good gains off just 250mg a week cycles.
the doses are the best way for me to utilize what i have.
also, any ideas on tapering? i can get a 1 mL of test, and take away week 9. giving me enough test to do a taper. any thoughts on this? some say it's the best, others say it's pointless because HPTA will be suppressed and test cyp naturally "tapers"