Advice needed on test/tren/mast/T3/Clen and diet for losing fat quickly


New member
To start, stats, experience, goals, etc.

21% bf measured twice.
I've been lifting for 25 years, started first cycle at 28, deca only, then dbol/test/deca, test/tren/winny/, test/winny, test/tren/mast, and so on. Point here is that I've used enough of gear in my life and have learned my lessons, sometimes very hard ones. LOL

My goal for this cycle is simple: lose hella body fat. Background: Started my own business three years ago but twelve months ago had major problems with business and lost it, divorce, didn't eat right, no workouts, all the typical BS excuses. Have been back in the gym for two months on a good diet, 40/30/30 at 2500-2800 kcals/day.

BMR cals = 2054
TDEE = 3544

What gear I'm on, diet, exercise, etc.:
Weeks 1-4, 12-14 test p at 75mg ED
Weeks 1-4 dbol 50mg/ED
Weeks 1-12: test e at 500mg/PW split two doses
Weeks 1-12: tren e at 400mg/week split two doses
Weeks 1-12: mast e at 600 mg/week split two doses
Weeks 1-14: T3 ramp up to 125 mcg/day
Weeks 1-3, 5-7, 9-14 Clen ramp up with Benadryl at 50 mg/ED to upregulate beta-2 receptors.
Aromasin at 25mg/ED

No PCT, going into a cruise of 200 test e/week

Diet, which I changed to lower calories from the earlier 40/30/30 split I was using: 1400-1600 cals/day 210 grams protein, 40 grams fat, range of 20-84 grams of carbs (cycling), 150-175 oz of water/day.
multi-vitamins, D3, fish oils in Omega 3

I have 3 egg sandwich breakfast, whey protein shake snack, lunch is (chicken, pork or beef) and vegetables (salad, tomatoes with olive oil and vinegar), protein shake afternoon, dinner like lunch plus fibrous veggies.

Exercise: 5 mornings/week 30 minutes cardio on empty stomach and weights 5 days/week after work

I know a lot of guys will say get down to lower bf% before running what I'm running, but I have run all of this before at higher doses and I don't get bad sides at all. I can lose fat "relatively" well but have to work my ass off to do it, put on muscle/size quickly, just the way my body runs. I'm using the mast for the synergy with tren and test only.
For this cycle I want to get to 10% bf. I normally don't take that high a dose of aromasin either, but with the extra fat and aromatase enzymes, I wanna kill the estrogen, plus lower E helps me burn fat with tren.

Question is more about the diet. That's a pretty big decrease for me; trainer that's a friend put it together with my goals in mind. Can I go that low on cals/day and not lose muscle on the T3 and Clen I'm on? I don't mind losing a "little" muscle although I really don't want to lose any, but I know what to do to gain muscle again. I want to be healthy, bottom line, and anything 20%+ bf is not healthy in my book. So my only real goal is to lose fat. If I add any extra lean muscle that's great, but that's secondary to losing fat.

As an aside, I played rugby in college, during the season I was ~200-205, off season training ~225. When in season we were running 10 miles EOD and working our asses off and I stayed super strong throughout with really low BF%, anywhere from 6-10%.

What are your thoughts about the whole plan?