Air Force Reserves


New member
I pretty much have to join the air force reserves. Has anyone on here been in the air force reserves or air force that could give me the insider info. Am i goiong to hate life?
As Snigg asked, why? Were you on an ROTC scholarship?

No you won't hate life, unless you want to. The service is like life, just distilled. The good people are larger than life, and the douche bags are the devil incarnate. Make of it what you wish.

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Sheesh.. airforce reserves?? are you kidding me? Cakewalk.. Ive worked with quite a few chairforcers and its not that bad.. plus you get to travel EVERYWHERE.. benefits the whole nine yards. Out of the few combat jobs that are available I.E Forward Air controller.. you probably wont get this job..Not unless your some kind of high speed dude and you want it.I say jump on that shit..