Aluminum hydroxide soda-lime sintering technology


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China alkali lime calcining aluminum hydroxide in the main technological achievement is: in the clinker burning formula, using low alkali ratio in the clinker dissolution process using secondary grinding and low molecular ratio solutions, to inhibit the dissolution of the adverse event losses, Na2O and Al2O3 in the clinker dissolution rate up to 94 ~ 96% and 92 ~ 94%, respectively, you know this method? The following will see together.
1, suitable for processing of high silica bauxite, bauxite, sodium carbonate and lime mixture by certain proportion, burn formed in rotary kiln by sodium aluminate (Na2O. Al2O3), iron acid sodium (Na2O. Fe2O3, the original calcium silicate (2 CaO SiO2) and sodium titanate (CaO. TiO2 composition of clinker. Then use a dilute alkali solution dissolution in sodium aluminate clinker. The iron sodium acid hydrolysis of NaOH into the solution;
2, if dissolution conditions control properly, the original calcium silicate will not react with sodium aluminate solution in large quantity, and calcium titanate, Fe2O3, H2O, etc from red mud. Dissolution of clinker is specially the desilication process of sodium aluminate solution, sodium aluminosilicate hydrate SiO2O formation (called sodium silicon slag) or hydrated garnet 3 cao. Al2O3xSiO2. (6-2 x) H2O precipitation (including material 0.1 x), and make the solution purification. The CO2 gas is bubbled into refined sodium aluminate solution, and stir in the seed, and get the aluminum hydroxide sediments and main ingredients are sodium carbonate liquor. Aluminum hydroxide by calcining become alumina products. Hydrated garnet of Al2O3 can again with Na2CO3 mother liquor extraction recovery.
Technology use soda-lime sintering, the total recovery rate of about 90% aluminum hydroxide, alumina consumption of Na2CO3 is about 95 kg per ton. Soda-lime sintering processing bayer process can not be the economical use of low grade ore, the al-si ratio can be as low as 3.5, and the comprehensive utilization of good raw materials, with its characteristics.
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