anavar or clen or c stack?


New member
Hello fellow members.quick question so iam on a test cyp cycle for 12 weeks and running aromasin 12.5 eod .with nolva and chlomid for pct .I know too need too get my hands on hcg but already 3 weeks in cycle. Soo my question is I was thinking of doing a cut towards the I have done clen before nd really do not like the crramps I get from it.also have done ec stack and in my beliefe it worked beetter than clen just my 2 cents.but I have never done Anavar (var) .in u guys oppinion is Anavar (var) worth it and also if it is should I do it the last 6 to 8 weeks of cycle .or should I include the 4 pct plus maybe 4 in the cycle.oh and 1 more would it be a really bad idea to maybe stack ec and Anavar (var) .and please easy on me guys lmao
26 years old
Done cutting cycle with clen and t3
2 second cycle of test cyp
Bf 11% to 13% bf

Overall goal drop bf at least 2% maintain lean lbm .
1. Either bulk or cut
2. Only take 1 oral per cycle (just my opinion)
3. Anavar (var) needs to be ran at least 8 weeks at the front or back of cycle, with you running cyp you could run it 2 weeks after last pin up until PCT)

I would just stick to what you have already started, add nothing at the end. Plan a cycle with either of those compounds depending on what your goal is. Anavar (var) is great for strength and vascularity but won't add much size to you, in my opinion strength gains are just as good on Anavar (var) as Dbol if you are familiar with that.
Yeah that was what I was figuring .but no I never ran dbol I should of too jump start everything but I don't really like the bloated look .going more for a aestethic look.but I was figuring after pct I would prob do ec stack while waiting for my next cycle.cause I was figuring I read soo much on a no no on oral only. to always stack with test since I was on test.