animal pack stak 2


New member
hey guys i just puchased a container of Animal Stak 2. just wanted to see if anyone else on here has used it and what kind of results there getting. Also if u can recommend other Natural supplements that have worked well for you by gaining quality muscle mass would be great.

nickr27 said:
just vitamines nothing special. what i recomend u getting that will give better results is a good protein shake and some creatine mono or ethyl ester. btw ur stats?
18 years old
unsure on body fat, somewere around 15-16%.

i have a creatine thats called NOS Blast. Im unsure whether this stuff is decent. I took it for a week or 2 but i had a few stomach aches(prob from not enough water). what will this creatine do for me besides more energy?
nickr27 said:
hey guys i just puchased a container of Animal Stak 2........

firstly, it would be a great idea if you ask afew questions BEFORE you buy a new supp, or whatever. what if you got all these replies from people saying how they got the shits from that stuff, just a thought. as far as animal packs- just a fancy packaging of multi vits. do a search on creatine and you'll get a great education on one of the few supps that is proven to be of some benifit to muscle building. alot of people .including myself, lead towards creatine ethey ester. read up and good luck-oh yeah stay away from no2 products, waste of money.