Another Newbie with a question.


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Another Newbie just checking in

A little about me:

I am 37 yr old Male with Klinefelter syndrome, I have an extra chromosome (XXY) so needless to say being an Ectomorph sucks donkey balls. Especially when you work out for a month and do not see a dam thing.

My diet is good, all chicken and tuna and I eat every 3 hours, I get about 6-8 hrs. sleep each night and drink a ton of water... but nada to show for it.

Therefore, as you can guess I have come here to find alternative means to get some size. I have a deployment coming up and i want to go downrange this time (been on 4 tours so far) with some meat on my bones.
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work out for 6 months , then see if there is a change.
being skinny is a better long life anyways, hell at my age i work out to get small :-))
I did work out for like a year with nothing to show for it..... but i would rather be able to take my shirt off and be proud of my body instead of wearing a t-shirt all the time. My test levels prior to Androgel was in comparison to that of a 8 yr old male child
I did work out for like a year with nothing to show for it..... but i would rather be able to take my shirt off and be proud of my body instead of wearing a t-shirt all the time. My test levels prior to Androgel was in comparison to that of a 8 yr old male child

Ok I'm not bashing just asking... U worked out SOLID for a year with a PROPER diet and u have nothing to show for it? Weight gain? Strength increase? I will say that that is impossible. Can u tell us what the kleinfelter syndrome is please? And thank u very much for your service to this country. It is greatly appreciated.
basically i have Hypogonadism and I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (androgel 1.62%),

as for the workout question i gained strength but not size / mass. i was deployed to Iraq during the time i worked out for a year, so carrying 100lbs of gear (weapon ammo IBA) in conjunction with Army chow and hitting the weights.

I actually came back from Iraq skinnier than when i went over there...

During Pre-Mob i went up to about 200lbs, i cam back from Iraq at 150lbs.... it sucked. I think it was mainly because i wasn't issues my AndroGel there, something about 140*f and the gel don't mix well.
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basically i have Hypogonadism and I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (androgel 1.62%),

as for the workout question i gained strength but not size / mass. i was deployed to Iraq during the time i worked out for a year, so carrying 100lbs of gear (weapon ammo IBA) in conjunction with Army chow and hitting the weights.

I actually came back from Iraq skinnier than when i went over there...

During Pre-Mob i went up to about 200lbs, i cam back from Iraq at 150lbs.... it sucked. I think it was mainly because i wasn't issues my AndroGel there, something about 140*f and the gel don't mix well.

Well If your stuck on doing AAS right now then just keep it simple bro.

Weeks: 1-12 500mg Test E- 250mgx2week
1-12 Arimidex .25mg EOD
14-18 Clomid 50/50/50/50

Start the clomid 2 weeks after your last shot of test.
Your going to need to eat above maintenance calories in order to gain whether on or off cycle. So EAT, EAT,EAT clean as you can.
I thought most Klinefelter's were endomorphs? You should seriously get off the gel crap before you start cycling and get on injections for your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It makes a WORLD of a difference man. Once you've been on injections for awhile (don't settle for that 2x a month crap either, go 2x A WEEK with your dose titrated accordingly) you can then start blasting.

I too would like to thank you for your service to our country. :bigok:
Try getting about 8-10 hours of sleep if possible and lots of whole wheat carbs some healthy protein ,and a ton of calories , like 4000 keep track of them with a app like my fitness pal or something you would be surprised at how much u think your eating and the actual calorie intake , so log what u eat , and also get a soild routine for your training I use full body exercises like deadlifts squats chin ups push ups , in the next few days ill post
My routine on the training section has worked wonders for me,but anyone should be able to put
On at least 15 to 20 pounds in about 6 m so good luck and remember it takes time and dedication
how many weeks do you have before returning to the field, can you do 12 week cycle ?

vino 1 outline what you need to follow, i use Aromasin but Arimidex is similar, use either one you have access too
well my deployment got bumped back a bit, so i have more time to "prep" although my overseas "source" shipped my 4 items but i only got the Deca the rest of my order never arrived. they tell me i have to wait longer, it's been 2 months... perhaps i should just find a doc stateside since i am on TRT. but finding one stateside seems a bit tough... :(

and yep they are doing the 2x a month crap, and won't give me a 30 day supply.... damn VA
My doctor once wanted me off of gear (after having serious weight loss) but my test was low. She put me on that Androgel crap and only things that it raisef were my blood pressure and fluid retention. I wouldn't.waste my time with that crap.