Any of u guys run HCG for pct ?


New member
I know some run it right through cycle , but for u guys who run it for pct .... how much do u run daily and for how long ? and say using enanthate ... u wait 2 weeks then start it ? last time i ran it i used 500mg a day for 10 days straight 2 weeks after last enanthate injection .
HCG is suppressive in itself, so putting it in PCT is pretty much the worst way to use it. Or are you referring to the old school HCG blast prior to SERM use?
Used it my very first cycle... 500 units 3 times a week. For 3 weeks. My balls went back to normal and test levels were normal as well but the more reading the more naive I can see I was.. Worked for me though. Also used a natural test booster.
yes i guess i should have been a bit more descriptive. I meant to say to use it say 10 days prior to serm use before starting nolva clomid to "kickstart" the system ?
yes i guess i should have been a bit more descriptive. I meant to say to use it say 10 days prior to serm use before starting nolva clomid to "kickstart" the system ?

You can but why risk leydig cell shutdown at all when you can run hcg at a low dose all cycle and not incur it at all?