Any Role Models?


New member
At one point in all of our training, there has to be someone that really inspired you to train and to set higher goals. I would have to say that Cory Everson was the one that really helped me to push myself beyond the norm. She is both beautiful and muscular. After 15 years of training, I still regard Cory as one of my role models. There are also other women like Timea Marjorova, Mandy Blank, and Monica Brant that truly inspire me as well. I'm into fitness so the above ladies are the look that I am hoping to achieve, muscular but still very feminine looking. Is there anyone that you feel has been a role model for you and/or what is your desired look, physique wise?
Monica Brant is a sweetheart..she's engaged to my best friend's brother so I occasionally see her.

When I trained at Gold's in Venice my best friend and I worked out with Monica and Joanne Lee (who trained her the year she won the Olympia).

I have to say, between Monica and Joanne, they showed us alot of things in the gym as far as different techniques that you will never see in any magazine/book or anywhere. I have great respect for the both of them for their dedication to the sport.

Hands down, I have to also agree with you about Monica and add Joanne Lee to the list as well.
Im not sure if this is Women only but I thought I might bump it at least with my post.

Negrita Jayde is hands down my favorite female bodybuilder. I thought her book Supervixen was great. Really helped me with my female clients.

And it probaly doesnt hurt that I find her VERY attractive! :):)
caladin said:
Im not sure if this is Women only but I thought I might bump it at least with my post.

Negrita Jayde is hands down my favorite female bodybuilder. I thought her book Supervixen was great. Really helped me with my female clients.

And it probaly doesnt hurt that I find her VERY attractive! :):)

There's a name I haven't heard in a longtime! She is very awesome!
Yes, Negrita Jayde is awesome too. You sometimes forget about the people that started womens bodybuilding and brought it to the level that it's at today.
Joanne Lee did an awesome job with Monica when she brought her into the Fitness Olympia. She really helped her pick up her weak points(hard to believe there are any weak points). I'm very excited to see how Monica is going to do at the Arnold this year in the Figure category. She should do well, hopefully take the win. She's not only muscular but beautiful on top of everything. It will definitely be a great show that's for sure.
Joanne did an awesome job with Mo..we trained with Joanne for a few months and she really showed us some invaluable techniques (and kicked our ass in the process!)

Haven't talked to Mo in a while but I'm sure she'll do very well! the Bodybuilding Recipe forum, there is a recipe for Protein Pancakes; I acquired that from Monica when she wrote a diet out for us..
Mia is another great one! I found these pics of Anja Langer circa 1987.

She has to have a pair of the best legs...
Here's a couple of women I've been wondering what ever happened to them. Tonya Knight and Denise Rutkowski(not sure if i spelled that right). I remember Tonya was beautiful and she had a great body, very muscular!
Fyre said:
Here's a couple of women I've been wondering what ever happened to them. Tonya Knight and Denise Rutkowski(not sure if i spelled that right). I remember Tonya was beautiful and she had a great body, very muscular!

I was wondering the same thing...I know that Tonya had some medical problems and went home to Missouri and haven't heard a peep since. Denise used to live out here and I heard that she was having some major personal problems and went home.

I'll see if I can dig up the specifics.
Ya, get diggin girl!:D
Oh, I forgot the Arnold's this weekend. I hope Monica kicks some ass in the figure division!
Fyre said:
Ya, get diggin girl!:D
Oh, I forgot the Arnold's this weekend. I hope Monica kicks some ass in the figure division!

Oh, that's right...I'll ask her soon-to-sister-in-law how it went. I hope she does well!!