any tips on the cycle i am about to start?


New member
ok so this is the first time ill be doing a cycle. a friend gave me SARM yk-11, RAD-140 and **** PCT. obviously i'll take *** PCT after i cycle those other 2 for 4 weeks. im a bit nervous to do this because all of the research i been doing people are telling everyone to try clomid or nolvadex****No source talk*** the most reliable i found is CEM-MESO. so is my cycle going to require a PCT that serious? i am going to get blood work AFTER my cycle becuse i recently had one done about 6 months ago. i have a friend thats doing great on this stack but his and my main worries is about losing all of the gains. my diet and exercise routine will be on point. any tips or supps i should take along with this? remember this is my first time running something like this. thank you for the help.
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I'd fall back a little. Do some research on your base cycle compounds. You can't go wrong with Enanthate. Read the beginners guide for safe androgen use. If your bloods check out run the cycle. Then see where your at for round two. I'm no SARM expert, but what your talking about, at 4 weeks. Sounds like a lot of excitement with disappointing results. I'm currently running my first Enanthate cycle. It's the end of week 4 and I feel f'ing amazing. I constructed my cycle from the beginners guide. Not only do I feel safe, I'm seeing results.
well your kind of taking something totally different then me, your injecting i'm doing this oral. i know it is supposed to have the same outcome but still, if you do not mind me asking where did you get your enanthate? and what are you running for your PCT?
Clomid and nolvadex. PM me. You shouldn't ever take Orals without injecting testosterone. It's hard to get used to. I look forward to injection days until I'm squeezing the piss out of the plunger. That shit takes forever. I'm getting my mid cycle bloods soon. This will show how good the gear is. I've heard the manufacturer I'm running is sometimes off with dosage but only over never under. Which is cool. I can't tell you a source (I'm on ology probation hence the red under my name) but I will tell you the brand. ***No SOURCE TALK*******
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it wont let me PM you for some reason, ***No SOURCE TALK*******
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SARMs are an alternative to AAS. YK11 is not suppressive at all - it is a myostatin inhibitor. RAD-140 is only lightly suppressive, so you will want to do some PCT (some people do not bother, but I believe in the "better safe than sorry" mentality of saying to do PCT anyway). I have no idea about the PCT substance you are talking about using. I would use Nolvadex instead. You can find a great deal of good info on PCT from this thread: