Anybody have any thoughts on high fat/high protein paleo diet?

hell yeah lesbians!

Carpe Genitalia
So I cruise by Mark's Daily Apple every once in a while and it seems that a lot of his stuff makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. Not only that but his diet recommendations fall right in line with my favorite things in the world: bacon, bleu cheese, avocados, grass fed butter etc. Lots of meat, lots of vegetables, and all kinds of fat.

Just wondering if anybody has heard of or tried anything like this...
So I cruise by Mark's Daily Apple every once in a while and it seems that a lot of his stuff makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. Not only that but his diet recommendations fall right in line with my favorite things in the world: bacon, bleu cheese, avocados, grass fed butter etc. Lots of meat, lots of vegetables, and all kinds of fat.

Just wondering if anybody has heard of or tried anything like this...

I follow it.
and it works very well
Once I cut out grains and dairy I had a jump in energy and no more sinus issues.
You may have to modify the diet at times
Heavy training will be better with good high quality carbs
i did 100% paleo for six months once. i felt great. the first two weeks were hell, coming off sugar and friends. after that, i felt great. ultimately, i found that i needed to supplement with carbs (well, sugars), so i have gatorade as a pre/during workout, diluted to 50%. i also occasionally get bread, but it's because i'm kind of too lazy to not eat the bun on a hamburger anymore. that said, i do better when i avoid flour/grains entirely. i get almost no dairy, i get zero corn, no sugar except what i explicitly decide to eat (so i don't eat salad dressing that has garbage in it, mayo, etc).

i think the most important thing paleo did for me was becoming mindful of what was going into my face. i started reading labels and paying attention to all the evil shit that's put in our food.

give it a shot for a good six weeks. don't cheat, even once. see how you feel.

if you have questions or you have trouble finding a place to eat when you're out (this is a big problem), PM me.
Appreciate the feedback fellas. The hardest part by far for me is the dairy aspect. I drink 3 gallons of whole milk a week (at least) and knock back all kinds of 4% cottage cheese. I do it both because I like it and because they're quick sources of protein. I look pretty good for having a non-traditional approach to my diet but from the way it sounds I could really shred it out by dumping the dairy and taking the paleo thing way more seriously.

Ardberg I'm already in your mail looking for how you handle the restaurant scene...big problem for sure.
Okay, so if you're going to do milk, do it whole, and do it post-workout. Personally, I go through about half a gallon every two weeks. It's great because it's quite filling and it's got the protein -- but it's also got a ton of lactose. Is it really worth it? The answer can be yes, of course, but the idea is to be more mindful, so you're aware that you're eating sugar when you eat these things. I use coconut milk for a lot of stuff and have come to actually prefer it.

I think you're right about shredding via dumping dairy. Dairy makes me kind of puffy and uncomfortable. So does wheat.

But I'm not sure how paleo works with body building or with cycling. T cycles cause higher LDL levels and lower HDL levels. The paleo diet is infamous for creating higher LDL levels (and higher HDL). I think that could be seriously problematic. I eat a ton of fat, and I do so by eating less carbs. I don't know how that contributes to overall body fat, other than I don't have a problem keeping fat off. I actually started bulking and building more visible muscle switching to paleo.