Anyone used hcgenerate while ON to make post cycle therapy (pct) easier?


New member
Anyone used hcgenerate while ON to make PCT easier?

I've heard of dudes doing this quite a bit, personally I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so I don't post cycle therapy (pct) anyways. But for you guys that do, I think this could be a fantastic idea to help make post cycle therapy (pct) easier.
already make usage of it buddy and yes its very effective, i run it alone on osta and prohormone cycles usually to avoid shutdown and suppression. I also use it on my AAS cycles aswell usually in combination with real Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) either together combined or alternativly in stages throughout my cycle, great product and very versatile
thinking about trying it my next cycle.

6 pills of androhard, 2-3 pills of dmz-15, 5 pills of hc generate.. , milk thistle.... ugghhhhhhhh! too many pills maine.... :-(