Are there certain times when protein powders are better than real food?


New member
I know for the most part,real food is better than powders.But,are powders actually better for preworkout and postworkout?Also is casein powder better before bed than regular protein from food?
Cottage cheese is probably the best thing to eat before bed. But casein powder is good too. Or egg or MPI...

But a whey shake can't be beat before lifting.

I like to take one after lifting too, but with milk instead of water to slow down the absorption some.
I read in the latest MENS HEALTH magazine,that a recent study showed that a casein/whey mix was alot better than just whey for pre workout.They said that the people that took the casein/whey before workout gained 50% more LBM than the people that took just whey over a 10 week period.
ROAD DOG said:
I read in the latest MENS HEALTH magazine,that a recent study showed that a casein/whey mix was alot better than just whey for pre workout.They said that the people that took the casein/whey before workout gained 50% more LBM than the people that took just whey over a 10 week period.

You sure about the 50% figure?

Was it one of those full page ads? :D
No,actually it was a small article,I know it seems fishy,but that's what they said.It was not an article promoting any ones protein.It is in the April 2004 edition,page 24.It's the one that has the "ROCK" on the front cover.
I use powered protein before my workout. I feel natural food is best (more thermogenic) but always cary powdered with me if I'm in a pinch.
If I want to slow the whey down I take it with fats, I dont buy the casein powder any longer.

When you sleep the stomach also has a form of "sleep," digestion slows down greatly.