Aromasin "suicidal inhibitor"


New member
I'm quite confused with this term. I've read that it deactivates the aromatize enzyme and the effects of the drug can't be reversed.... does this mean that you can't ever again aromatize test to estrogen even years after discontinuing usage??? It can't be...simply from a pharmaceutical business perspective.

Excuse the ignorance
No, all it means is that it binds so tightly to the enzyme that for all practical purposes the binding reaction is irreversible. But your body continuously produces more of the enzyme, so once you stop taking the inhibitor it won't be long before you are back to baseline.
xtinct is very correct. Just to add a lil something...aromatase inhibitors only block the aromatase enzyme. When discontinued, the enzymes are then free to act as they normally would (opposite of aromasin).
tyhigs said:
what category is femara in?

Just to reiterate, there are two classes of inhibitors: competitive inhibitors that only block the enzyme temporarely and suicide (AKA covalent) inhibitors that permanentely deactivate the enzyme they bind to. Femara is a competitive inhibitor like Arimidex. In theory you might expect a greater reduction in estrogen from a suicide inhibitor like aromasin, but for me Femara works much better.
CubanJuice said:
I've heard femara kills libido...

As always, you really have to try it yourself to find out whether it happens to you, but yes, it's possible for that to happen.
xtinct said:
As always, you really have to try it yourself to find out whether it happens to you, but yes, it's possible for that to happen.

Why would femera hinder your sex drive? Why doesnt a-dex do this?

Femera works a lot better than aromasin on me!
Not sure how but I've heard some bros discontinue the use because it suppressed or killed their libido... I guess it changes among individuals... I personally lean towards dex and aro... I've also heard of rebound effects after discontinuing femara and that nolva should be used right after to block the rebound from causing e sides.
Why would femera hinder your sex drive? Why doesnt a-dex do this?

Femera works a lot better than aromasin on me!
wouldnt total estrogen suppression kill your sex drive ? if so femara at a high enough dose could do it , this goes back to what ive said time and time again , the availability of all the new ante e meds has caused a lot of people to abuse them because of the fear of gyno but the fact is little timmie doing 300 mg of test a week doesnt need 1 mg of adex a day but hes read all the horror stories about gyno a lot of these stories written by people who have never cycled much less had gyno so he panics and takes the anti es :mad:
Didn't know a total suppression of e killed sex drive... I know deca did it and for a long time for me so I'll steer clear from anything that remotly can cause that.
Why would femera hinder your sex drive? Why doesnt a-dex do this?

Suppression of estrogen can wreck you sex drive. Femara is more likely to do this than a-dex because femara is a more potent inhibitor.
DADAWG said:
wouldnt total estrogen suppression kill your sex drive ? if so femara at a high enough dose could do it , this goes back to what ive said time and time again , the availability of all the new ante e meds has caused a lot of people to abuse them because of the fear of gyno but the fact is little timmie doing 300 mg of test a week doesnt need 1 mg of adex a day but hes read all the horror stories about gyno a lot of these stories written by people who have never cycled much less had gyno so he panics and takes the anti es :mad:

yes but better safe than sorry. it is overkill at 1mg a day unless you are doing 2grams test per wk