Aspirating your ass?


Juice Authority

There is no doubt in my mind that aspirating is important when you're injecting in your quads, shoulder, bi's or tri's but what about the gluts?
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Yep. There are vessels in there too; if you're deep enough to be in the muscle, you're deep enough for a vein. Do it one handed, use your thumb to aspirate.
I've been getting alot of blood lately , for what reason I dont know but I don most of my injections in the glutes.
All these various threads on the importance of aspirating have gotten me paranoid. It's hard enough to self-inject in your ass let alone try to aspirate too! I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll see if my wife will do the deed for me.
Juice Authority said:
All these various threads on the importance of aspirating have gotten me paranoid. It's hard enough to self-inject in your ass let alone try to aspirate too! I guess it's better to be safe than sorry. I'll see if my wife will do the deed for me.

It's pretty easy once you get use to it. You can do everything with one hand. I use my index finger and thumb to aspirate when injecting all the time.
a lot of the vets that have been using for years and years (10+) dont aspirate, but that doesnt mean they are right. Always aspirate, no matter what anyone tells you
YOu really should aspirate your ass. Glutes is the only place where Ive asperated and had the syringe immediately get filled blood. Other spots Ive only aspirated a little blood. This was when I was using 1.5 " needles. I dont use them anymore and stick with the 1" s.

Also one of my good friends used to think like you non ass aspirators, and shot into a vein in his glutes. From what he tells me it wasnt a pleasent experience.