Irish Lad

Rig Rogs
This was caught whilst at the Tigers, Nationals game.

That is all.


What it wasnt?
Batting practice, foul ball or HR?

I haven't been to a Nats game yet, its 11ty times closer than Baltimore but I always end up going to an Orioles game instead.
needtolosequick said:
Batting practice, foul ball or HR?

I haven't been to a Nats game yet, its 11ty times closer than Baltimore but I always end up going to an Orioles game instead.
Foul ball, and boy oh boy RFK is a dump.
Irish Lad said:
Foul ball, and boy oh boy RFK is a dump.
I've been there before, I'm interested in seeing the new stadium they are discussing. I've been too lazy to do any research on it but I know at one point they wanted to put a new stadium on one side of the Anacostia river and a new soccer stadium on the other with a bridge between the two. I don't know if they're still thinking about that or not. I was in Georgetown two ***hts ago, you know how Conneitcuit ave dead ends at the bottom of that hill off M Street? They are making that parking lot into a park. Thats how they roll in DC, beautify the nicer areas and try to avoid the n ig nogs.
Yes, I like Georgetown. Lots of ass. Although not as good as Bethesda. Bethesda has all the Jews though. I am also disgusted with the ethnic population around here. I dont know how you locals can handle it year round.
Bethesda, lol. It was recently named the best educated city in the country per capita (highest numbers of doctorate level education or something like that), the sluts are prime but the people there annoy me. Bethesda is pretty much a whiter version of NW in my mind. In DC as long as you stay on Wisconsin, you're pretty safe from the naggers.
Shit ***, I didn't even think to check the schedule. I thought you were watching the Tigers back over in Detroit and the Nat's happened to be in town.