Back again been gone bout 5 years courtesy the feds


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So I'm gonna start a cycle of 600 mg test prop a week and 300 of tren a and also 300 of masteron thought ideas anything ? Done 3 cycles this is my 4 th I also have 100 iu of hgh recommendation on usage and when to use the hgh I'll be new to hgh ... I'm gonna do a long cycle probably 4 to 6 months and taper off to a lower dose and never come off as I'm 40 . so I'd apple the feed back .. Thanks again ...
Quite a few around here have had good results and fewer sides running test at half that of tren, but. I less than 200 mg per week. I agree mast is better around 600 mg/wk though
Want to blow the fuck up minus the bloat... But I've heard to use anadrol instead of mast for that . also read using half the amount of test to ten then heard run the same amount and even run more so many different opinions. That's y I'm asking u all cause this is the best forum I've been on and seen..
100iu's of hgh won't even last you a month, run it at least 6 months at 5iu everyday for it to start to be effective
You don't need that much gear. Imo, I'd say use 300mg test and one of the other two you mentioned, or just use 500-600mg of the test by itself. You can grow like a mutherfucker off test alone if your training, diet, and sleep is on point. Focus on the burn and pump, really work the muscle, not your ego, and make sure you're hitting the muscles twice a week, not that once a week bullshit. You can do what you want, but you really don't need that much gear for a 4th cycle. If I were you I'd start at 600mg a week of test and run that for about 8-10 weeks and then drop it in half and add in tren with it and run that for awhile, then drop that and use the masteron, and then drop that and go back up to higher test. You'll get more out of your gear that way over the long run. Just my opinion.