BD Test Prop


New member
Hi guys. Im 41 and am just getting back in shape seiously. I used Test Pop back in the 80s for two years with great results. I know BD has been outta buisness for a while now and some underground labs are now using the name. I bought 5 amps of the BD Tesabol propionate. 25ML 200mg/ml. Been using it for two weeks now and seem to be making some gains. Feel like im thicking up a bit as well. Im now sceptical talking to friends. some say these are just full of oil? It came with the clear top with the BD hologram on it. Its really crappy when you second guess your stuff. Anyone know if this is legit? mfg date says 2010
Depends on your source , I know of a source thats sells bd 250 and from everyone I talk to its g2g , it always comes down to trusting your source as I am sure their is some bogus shit going around with a bd label
Hi guys. Im 41 and am just getting back in shape seiously. I used Test Pop back in the 80s for two years with great results. I know BD has been outta buisness for a while now and some underground labs are now using the name. I bought 5 amps of the propionate. 25ML 200mg/ml. Been using it for two weeks now and seem to be making some gains. Feel like im thicking up a bit as well. Im now sceptical talking to friends. some say these are just full of oil? It came with the clear top with the BD hologram on it. Its really crappy when you second guess your stuff. Anyone know if this is legit? mfg date says 2010

2 weeks in on prop your sex drive should be through the roof!
I'm thinking the variant knock off you have is the one made by IP, in that case it should be test prop in there.
2 weeks in on prop your sex drive should be through the roof!
I'm thinking the variant knock off you have is the one made by IP, in that case it should be test prop in there.


High Sex Drive on Test P sounds good. its always a bonus when you can f**k for longer.
hey guys doing lots of reading on here and looking to start my first cycle of test just don't want to get ripped off by fake stuff. can anyone point me in the right direction. first timeer at age 46 stats 5'7" 185lbs working out for years just need a boost maybe 10 to 15 lbs