Just wondering how bad,if at all would a 10mg ed x4wk cycle of Beastdrol shut you down? I imagine less harsh sides, but how effective would a cycle be? Any experienced users?
Yes, got some nolva, sus alpha, and n2 post cycle rtg. Reason is, around July, the wifey wants to try for a baby, just wanted to make sure everything is "fully functional" I was just hoping a "light" cycle wouldnt put a beatin on the guys.
I would tell you just too wait if your "trying"...my history of PH use put us in a hurting even though I was fully recovered. Great test levels does not mean great sperm count or motility or any of the shit that counts....trust me its not worth risking it if its important to you.
I would tell you just too wait if your "trying"...my history of PH use put us in a hurting even though I was fully recovered. Great test levels does not mean great sperm count or motility or any of the shit that counts....trust me its not worth risking it if its important to you.
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