Beltran traded to Astros!


Community Veteran, Admin at
ESPN is reporting Carlos Beltran has been traded to the Houston Astros as part of a three team deal. Astros trade Octavio Dotel to Oakland and the Royals get prospects Mark Teahan, John Buck, and Mike Wood.

This should make things intresting throught out the league. KC takes major league ready top level prospects. Astros get a nice pop in the lineup for the rest of the season and make a run at the penant. Oakland gets an affordable closer.

Now that Billy Beene has gotten him self a closer is he willing to shop Zito? There are plenty of teams willing to trade prospects and good ones for him. Being a NY Mets fan I would love to see him united with his former manager and pitching coach.
This is awesome. I've been an Astros fan all of my life and I hope this trade helps the team. Petite also needs to get better damn it!
Well I guess Beltran helped out tremendously. I've never seen anyone perform like that in the playoffs. He was unreal. Now if we can just re-sign him.