Best Natural Supplement for Muscle?


New member
Hey guys im just curious on what you guys think is the best supplement for overall muscle. I dont mean like creatine and protein. I mean like test boosters, nutrient repartitioners, etc. I want to try and remain natural before i hop on any ph's and im just looking for the best overall product to help me put on some more size. I have thought about doing peptides because they are a little safer but not yet. Please let me know!
Hi, Test boosters and nutrient repartitioners supplements will help you to raise the level of testosterone in your body. which will helpful in raising testosterone levels to build muscle,along with it can also boost your libido and improve your overall mood.
Generally Test boosters are located in herbs which can be provided by natural supplements.Before buying any supplement check the ingredients and consult with your fitness trainer.:wavey:
try things like n2slin, nutrient partitioner. And test boosters, like mentioned. Mr supps new test booster is damn good.
Hey guys im just curious on what you guys think is the best supplement for overall muscle. I dont mean like creatine and protein. I mean like test boosters, nutrient repartitioners, etc. I want to try and remain natural before i hop on any ph's and im just looking for the best overall product to help me put on some more size. I have thought about doing peptides because they are a little safer but not yet. Please let me know!

PNI Paragon (90 Caps) This has help me and I seem to never have any bad reaction with it.
I know Need2slin is a powerful Nutrition and carbohydrate shuttling compound.But what else will one get from need2slin and what Gains Can i expect?
I know Need2slin is a powerful Nutrition and carbohydrate shuttling compound.But what else will one get from need2slin and what Gains Can i expect?

"food pumps" Which you just have to experience to understand. A nice high carb meal will leave you feeling like your muscles are about to burst out of your shirt. It will also lower your blood sugar level, which helps with weight loss. You can use it more for weight loss by taking 1 cap on an empty stomach and do some fasted cardio.
Hey guys im just curious on what you guys think is the best supplement for overall muscle. I dont mean like creatine and protein. I mean like test boosters, nutrient repartitioners, etc. I want to try and remain natural before i hop on any ph's and im just looking for the best overall product to help me put on some more size. I have thought about doing peptides because they are a little safer but not yet. Please let me know!

well besides creatien and protein powder, i would rec need2slin and DAA for a test booster. NTBM has it in bulk (the DAA) . also transderm + epi would be a decent lil cycle once you take next step.
just dont to any cycles without a test base, its not the best option.

good luck
"food pumps" Which you just have to experience to understand. A nice high carb meal will leave you feeling like your muscles are about to burst out of your shirt. It will also lower your blood sugar level, which helps with weight loss. You can use it more for weight loss by taking 1 cap on an empty stomach and do some fasted cardio.

Thanks for Answering my question but Need2Slin contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine ,L-Norvaline,Synephrine HCL and many other powerful ingredients. So if i take L-Carnitine supplements did they produce similar effects like Need2Slin.Also what are side effects associated with it?
Thanks for Answering my question but Need2Slin contains Acetyl-L-Carnitine ,L-Norvaline,Synephrine HCL and many other powerful ingredients. So if i take L-Carnitine supplements did they produce similar effects like Need2Slin.Also what are side effects associated with it?

No, taking acetyl l carnitine and norvaline on their own will not produce the same results, not even close. It's the NAR-ALA and the gymnema that are the key ingredients, not either of the two you mentioned. Don't get me wrong, the other two are there for a reason, but they aren't the main drivers behind the product.
I enjoy BPI's AH-D post cycle therapy (pct) It provides a natural test boost and anti estrogen. Along with lots of water creatine, protein and a cut in food intake. I think training myself not to eat like a pig is best for my workout. I dont even care about what I eat as much as how much I eat.
well besides creatien and protein powder, i would rec need2slin and DAA for a test booster. NTBM has it in bulk (the DAA) . also transderm + epi would be a decent lil cycle once you take next step.
just dont to any cycles without a test base, its not the best option.

good luck

DAA works like a charm for me, I run it with 6OXO. I experimented with it to see if it works... studies say it can raise ur test in 4 days... I tried it for a whole 10 weeks once, then after time off i used it for 4 days just to play with it... was horny for a few days after the 4 days lol haha but then when i stop use my sex drive is HORRIBLE.. i think i f'd myself up with DAA