Best oral to stack with test & tren for gains?


New member
Planning to try Tren A next year and wanted to know what oral is best to stack with it.

I keep hearing about 'synergy' with various orals, but each page I find varies from one to another.

Dianabol, Anadrol, and Superdrol are some orals I've read are commonly stacked with Test P and Tren A.

Are any of those three clearly ahead of the others as far as being stacked with Test P and Tren A for putting on muscle?


Edit: I read 'complaints' that Anadrol causes a ton of water retention. I know that Dianabol causes some. And Superdrol sounds to cause even less. But what are the other tradeoffs?
you'll love s/d! but you can probably add other things in like var or tbol (poor man's var). s/d you'd make amazing gains! one of my favorite orals and it's considered as a designer steroid. A gain of 5-10lbs is more than possible and will not be accompanied by the water retention anadrol often brings.
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I just ordered a bunch of EP Anadrol and Winstrol.. goin to be running anadrol for 2 days then winstrol for 2 days and vice versa... seems to help with the bloat that usually comes along with anadrol

i've personally never used anadrol before so i can't recommened it yet, but if it is anything like people say i'm quite excited to be able to use it
I used to love d bol. And were I not so old I d do it as it is an amazing anti depressant and gave me a great sense of well being. But the water pushed my bp up and when off of it my gain s pissed away..literally.

Anadrol gave me such unreal fkn headache s I could never get past day 10-14 before selling it to some one I did not like. I hear it is a serious bloater as well.

I have friends who love t bol. Never have done it. " poor man s var !!!" nice.
I just ordered a bunch of EP Anadrol and Winstrol.. goin to be running anadrol for 2 days then winstrol for 2 days and vice versa... seems to help with the bloat that usually comes along with anadrol

i've personally never used anadrol before so i can't recommened it yet, but if it is anything like people say i'm quite excited to be able to use it

2 day s drol 2 day s winny.

Could u tell me please...and I m not bashing..where you came up with that and why ? I would love to hear the rational behind it.....seriously.
Turanabol is not poor mans anavar. Anavar isn't that much more expensive than turanabol. In my experience turanabol is more powerful when compared to anavar at the 40-60mg range. When you go any higher anavar takes the win, less sides, better fat loss, strength is about the same.
Dbol takes the win for me but dbol fucking has the worst side effects, hairloss and gyno.

Dbol smashes any oral for mass and strength, yes including Anadrol. Tbh Anadrol blows, didn't get much from it besides a little strength and some water weight. Dbol a gains are solid and I'm powerful when I'm using it. But :( it's so evil.
Dbol takes the win for me but dbol fucking has the worst side effects, hairloss and gyno.

Dbol smashes any oral for mass and strength, yes including Anadrol. Tbh Anadrol blows, didn't get much from it besides a little strength and some water weight. Dbol a gains are solid and I'm powerful when I'm using it. But :( it's so evil.

How bad is the hairloss with dbol? I would imagine that it is a case by case thing...
2 day s drol 2 day s winny.

Could u tell me please...and I m not bashing..where you came up with that and why ? I would love to hear the rational behind it.....seriously.

it's a method used by Ameen Alai aka The Mad Scientist who is a very well known prep coach and academic... I know a lot of people want studies and facts to back everything up but that what us bodybuilders are... we are our own case studies. and if someone who is trust worthy sees a link between a cause and an effect of something... just because it hasn't been posted on pubmed or something doesn't mean it isn't a viable strategy

in my understanding he does this with anadrol and winstrol/anavar to keep bodybuilders in the best shape(lean and not watery) all year round because times have changed with the internet and bodybuilders need to look good for all their appearances etc...

so it's a way of getting the effects of both drugs while reducing side effects mainly of the anadrol.. and I'm currently helpin 4 competitors get ready for shows and I've been using that method for orals with all of them with great results

I can private message you an interview that he touches on the subject and some of his other methods
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How bad is the hairloss with dbol? I would imagine that it is a case by case thing...

Oh it definitely varies by person no doubt, however majority of people I know that run dbol lose their hair, including me. But that doesn't mean you will, it's just a toss up. However if you believe your prone for MPB, then dbol isn't for you. Lol
Oh it definitely varies by person no doubt, however majority of people I know that run dbol lose their hair, including me. But that doesn't mean you will, it's just a toss up. However if you believe your prone for MPB, then dbol isn't for you. Lol

I guess since i have lost 1/4 of my hair by the age of 38 i should stay away.
This question will be personal choice or opinion. Superdrol gets my vote if you're bulking for cutting I like winny.
Dan Duchaine's favourite was the above with Anadrol. That would hospitalise me.

Anadrol with tren my concern would be someone else being hospitalized......say what you will about roid rage, but that combo would have my ass in jail....:)
I used to love d bol. And were I not so old I d do it as it is an amazing anti depressant and gave me a great sense of well being. But the water pushed my bp up and when off of it my gain s pissed away..literally.

Anadrol gave me such unreal fkn headache s I could never get past day 10-14 before selling it to some one I did not like. I hear it is a serious bloater as well.

I have friends who love t bol. Never have done it. " poor man s var !!!" nice.

D-Bol makes me feel like feel pure and strong and healthy as hell. even though I'm probably knocking the shit out of my liver.