Best type of prohormone or supp for jiu jitsu type training?


New member
Hi guys,

Basically, i have gotten to the point where i want to be training as much as possible but i am unable due to due to achiness and soreness. I am basically looking for a supplement that would help me aid in recovery while gaining muscle at the same time. Basically something that with strength gains but kind of a lean look and moderate side effects and of course does not mess up cardio. Also im looking for something that will help with joints too, my shoulder tends to get quite achy if i train too hard especially for wrestling. I realize this is all super specific so perhaps this doesnt exist.

Now, ive done quite a bit of research and i know for prohormones it can be quite hard on the liver, so i m not sure if thats such a good idea for me. What kind of side effects and im looking at for any type of product that im looking for? I know you have to take it with post cycle therapy (pct) and some other things. I also read you have to take stuff to get your test levels back to normal ( i think with anti estrogen supps). Anyways just a newbie looking for advice, i really have no idea about any of that stuff beyond diet and nutrition. Im still in the thinking about it stage. I am 24 btw. 5'10 160. Im a hardgainer for sure, especially with what im doing, im gaining but i wont get that much bigger. Right now im taking creatine, beta alanine, bcaa's and other random supps that are supposed to help with recovery (all legal stuff). Basically form what i have checked out i know HGH and test here can be quite expensive legally, and i obv dont no anyone uses so i dont really have access to any of the anabolic stuff.

Basically the look i am going for would be kind of this like jiu jitsu guy - rafael mendes who is definitely on gear but hes not too huge for obvious reasons due to the crazy cardio, wouldnt be surprised if he was on something like test and epo. If i could be 170 and ripped that would be my ideal goal. i could definitely add some muscle to my frame, i am always the tallest guy by a mile at my weight class. I pretty look like a nick diaz right now but want to add more muscle mass, but also recovery is alot more important for me.

No supplements needed. Get 8 hrs sleep eat enough calories, start weight training. High reps. Lift till it burns.
epistane. if you train hard i know that you need to stay lean. I bet you have some muscle on you, just not what your looking for.

ntbm has a new one out. get that. a serm for pct, a all in one support like n2gaurd and study up. Clealy lifting will help, but i bet you already spar, do cardio, drills, etc etc. i use to train in a mma gym at one point a while back. So i have some idea of what you do.

epistane is dry, lean type gains. no real water weight.

joints, cissus all day. or a formula that has it in there like forged joint.
epi or the helladrol would be good, hella will give you nice lean gains and a good strength increase,which would aid your jujitsu well.
NO ph's. I recommend the following, Rasigiline/selegiline pre jits, Pramipexole twice a day, first am or pre meal training at .125mg and .125 with dinner. Also 225mg of magnesium oil. Eat more alkaline based foods, sleep 8 hours deep. Try to masturbate without releasing sometimes.
NO ph's. I recommend the following, Rasigiline/selegiline pre jits, Pramipexole twice a day, first am or pre meal training at .125mg and .125 with dinner. Also 225mg of magnesium oil. Eat more alkaline based foods, sleep 8 hours deep. Try to masturbate without releasing sometimes.

what the heck is all that. Lemmie find out. I just might get some.