big guy lean diet ??


New member
Hey ive pretty much got my self to the size i want, im currently 252 6"1.....with water weight, and lower belly fat, cant escape the gut.....but im looking to lose fat without crash looking to be a lean 225 - 230 ...ive got the basics of a diet down...but i was wondering if someone could help me work carbs in there so i dont drop a lot of muscle...
Keep the calories and workouts up if you are maintaining but just do an hour of cardio first thing in the morning before eating anything 5 times a week for about 6 weeks.
Thanks fellas, for the info but when i wake up in the morning im starving, i usually drink a weight gainer shake...a lot of carbs i know, it kills the whole diet thing, but my body needs carbs....maybe not as many as im consuming right now without them i drop muslce i was kinda think maybe somebody could out line when the correct times i should be eating carbs and when i shoudnt.... thanks again