Blood work after 1 week of PCT


New member
Hello guys, I am new here, and I looked around and found that there are many helping people here so I have this question

I did a dbol and test e cycle
1-12 test e 500mg/ week
1-2 week dbol 20 mg ED
10-12 week dbol 20 mg ED

Started pct after 12 days because I was kind of feeling I thought I should start pct now.

PCT - 1-3 week nolva 40/40/20 ED
1-4 week clomid 50 mg ED

I got my blood work 1 week after PCT
AND my total test is only 502.82ng/dl

Note : I ran out of nolva after 3 weeks so I had to stop and I actually planned on doing dbol for 1-4 weeks but dbol was making me feel shitty ( which is weird because for most people dbol makes them feel good) so I did only 2 weeks but I decided to add in in last 2 weeks to increase my gains little bit

MY AGE IS : 23 and this was my first cycle.

Total weight gained : 12kg ( 12 x 2.2 = pounds )

BF % remained same ( I was about 9% I guess ) and remained same after cycle.

Weight KEPT AFTER PCT : 8 kg ( 8 x 2.2 = pounds )

So my question is should I get back on nolva and clomid for another few weeks and get tested again? Cuz I feel 502 is low for my age, I used to be very horny before cycle but now it's not the same, I mean I still do have a sex drive but not like pre cycle.

IF yes , what dose of nolva and clomid would you recommend and for how long ?
What was yur total test precycle. I'm guessing you don't know....1st mistake. Bloods won't normalize for a few months then do blood work hormones do the rebalsnce over night bro. Give it time
Yes, I didn't get a blood test pre cycle ( I regret now ) but my test is 502 ng/dl it's not very low but little low for my age 23. Do you think nolva and clomid for 2 more weeks could help me get to my baseline