Blood Work Results = great news


Convo Lounge Moderator
Just got a call from my nurse.

Had my blood taken last week after being on 750 test and 20 Nolva for around a month and a half.

She said "Everything was within normal range exept for sugar which was 68 and normal was 70"

I made sure she didn't check Test levels this time because I knew they would be high and didn't want to arise suspicion.

This gives me the go ahead to start orals (ox 25/day 4 weeks)

I have been much healthier since starting Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in September, as all my liver values and everything else is in normal range, even after tripleing my Test dosage.

Just wanted to share my good news!
750mg test and normal values that's pretty good man. what is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) by the way?
JohnnyB, Jacked, Stang and Brock, thanks for the nice comments!!

Xtinct, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is Homone Replacement Therapy and the normal dosage is between 100mg/week to 250 week with exceptions.

750 is three times my normal Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), sorry for the confusion.
Most of the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I hear of is 200 every 2 weeks, they dont get much.
wayne and zeus said:

I have been much healthier since starting Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) in September, as all my liver values and everything else is in normal range, even after tripleing my Test dosage.

HRT at your age? Are you hypogonadal? Is this a recent development, or something you've been dealing with for a long time?
