Bloodwork After 16 week Test E Cycle


New member
38 y\o Male, Did one 16 week cycle about 8 months ago, 500mg Test E.

My history over the course of 12 months...

Pre Cycle 427 ng/dl

During Cycle 4280 ng/dl

Currently 261 ng/dl

Considering TRT... Test wasn't that great to begin with.

Anyone have experience with Nebido?
38 y\o Male, Did one 16 week cycle about 8 months ago, 500mg Test E.

My history over the course of 12 months...

Pre Cycle 427 ng/dl

During Cycle 4280 ng/dl

Currently 261 ng/dl

Considering TRT... Test wasn't that great to begin with.

Anyone have experience with Nebido?

It sounds like it is trt time my friend. If you don't mind pinning then it will be fucking awesome for you, and you will actually be able to keep some of your gains lol. Also the test your were running during the cycle was very good. 4280 ng/dl is a solid number for 500 mg wk. What are your stats like now?
My body-weight is the same, composition im sure is different, strength is probably 20% less.

Most notice my mood, always cranky, low sex drive, hate all humans :P
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going from a Pre Cycle 427 ng/dl to a During Cycle test level of 4280 ng/dl for 16 weeks.. should have had a dramatic effect, imo.. I'm talking 25 plus pounds, if you were bulking.

but you didn't make much gains? just a slight difference in body composition ?
going from a Pre Cycle 427 ng/dl to a During Cycle test level of 4280 ng/dl for 16 weeks.. should have had a dramatic effect, imo.. I'm talking 25 plus pounds, if you were bulking.

but you didn't make much gains? just a slight difference in body composition ?

strength did increase dramatically... 205X4 .... to 225X16 on bench.... was trying to cut up.
going from a Pre Cycle 427 ng/dl to a During Cycle test level of 4280 ng/dl for 16 weeks.. should have had a dramatic effect, imo.. I'm talking 25 plus pounds, if you were bulking.

but you didn't make much gains? just a slight difference in body composition ?

Yeah, that is a good level for his test dosage. OP at least got his bench up high. Big bench is all that matters in life lol. 205x4 up to 225x16 is a crazy fucking increase..