boards general first cycle recomendations


Pro Bodybuilder
anyone ever notice the differnt responces each board gives in general for first cycles?

1-10 test 500 mg
1-10 eq 400 mg
1-4 dbol 25 mg

1-10 test 400 mg

1-10 test 1000mg
+ ten other things

Ip something
no specific details becasue its a crap shot what your gonna get.
jsut load and shoot
Brock Landers said:
you gotta be joking about Triedia?! Do they really reccommend dosages like that to beginners?:eek:
bro the old triedia was wild and wooly with cycle advice and sources lol i dont even know if triedia is still up an running
i havent been there in a long ass time but there was a thread about test dosage and all these people were talking about taking a gram a week there first cycle. some even higher. some of the cycles i saw posted there looked like contest prep cycles for a pro. granted it was probubly mostly kids who do dbol only cycles
DADAWG said:
bro the old triedia was wild and wooly with cycle advice and sources lol i dont even know if triedia is still up an running

i dont think it is. place was little more than a haven for scammers and retarted fucks who got banned from the major boards.
bronco944 said:
i dont think it is. place was little more than a haven for scammers and retarted fucks who got banned from the major boards.
hey i liked it there lol it was a pretty good board at first hogg is a good bro and tried hard there was just to much bullshit behind the scenes
DADAWG said:
hey i liked it there lol it was a pretty good board at first hogg is a good bro and tried hard there was just to much bullshit behind the scenes
id agree it was great when it first started but it went downhill fast
I started out at, I got my first cycle advice from the forum. I ran 500 mg test, 200 mg deca, and 25 dbol. I'm waiting to start my second cycle in less than two weeks! (postponed from December, when I stopped after 4 weeks for personal shite).
I think a good first cycle is test 250mg/week and eq at 400mg/week. No orals.

So I guess I am a hybrid between steroidology and elite, lol.
I think 400-500mg of test is plenty for a newbie.

The thing that gets me is when someone is telling a first timer to do 40mg d-bol, 500mg test and 400mg of deca, with an anti-e. If you need an anti-e on your first cycle your doing to much gear.

TxLonghorn said:
I think a good first cycle is test 250mg/week and eq at 400mg/week. No orals.

So I guess I am a hybrid between steroidology and elite, lol.

Did you see the double blind, placebo controlled study on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) dosages vs gains....? (basically double the dose, double the LBM gains; they tested at 25, 50, 125, 300, 600mg/wk for 20 weeks) of models to predict anabolic response.pdf

That has me thinking that Test at 500mg/wk, and EQ at 400mg/wk would be a great first cycle.
link dosnt work
interested in the study though? who did it and when? were the subjects experienced lifters?
JohnnyB said:
I think 400-500mg of test is plenty for a newbie.

The thing that gets me is when someone is telling a first timer to do 40mg d-bol, 500mg test and 400mg of deca, with an anti-e. If you need an anti-e on your first cycle your doing to much gear.


JohnnyB, you're saying for a first time cycle person, they wouldn't need any anti-e, and doing let's just say 400mg of test without clomid or norv is ok ?
