hi guys, it's my first cycle i've been athlete since ever... swimming, waterpolo, judo etc... and working out at gym..
now i've just bought 2x 10ML SUST270 and 2x 10ML Equipoise200... that will give me a 10week cycle:
1ml each compound on mondays and thursdays that will be 540mg sust/week and 400mg bold/week
as per i'm looking for lean muscles and decrease BF ii'll definetly work hard on a diet...
1'm 30years
6.0 high
230 weight
27% BF
i need some advices on my post cycle therapy (pct) only tamoxi? someone toldme to take DURING de cycle TAMOXI... i'm confused...
Hope see some good and constructive advices !
many thanks in advance!
now i've just bought 2x 10ML SUST270 and 2x 10ML Equipoise200... that will give me a 10week cycle:
1ml each compound on mondays and thursdays that will be 540mg sust/week and 400mg bold/week
as per i'm looking for lean muscles and decrease BF ii'll definetly work hard on a diet...
1'm 30years
6.0 high
230 weight
27% BF
i need some advices on my post cycle therapy (pct) only tamoxi? someone toldme to take DURING de cycle TAMOXI... i'm confused...
Hope see some good and constructive advices !
many thanks in advance!