boldenolone base to oil???

you are welcome to try an oil based solution, but it will be a waste of time. you will end up with something that has a super high solvent ratio and very low concentration. not practical.

you could try a solution with peg and might get lucky.

as for suspension recipes, the only one I have seen around here lately is for Winstrol (winny), which is very good. may work well for boldenone base as well.
May I ask why you want to mess with bold base? To me, its like we're going backwards. Long esters go into solution easier, are shot less frequently and can be made up at high concentrations. While short/no esters must be made with high solvents, low concentrations to avoid overwhelming pain, and need to be shoot ed/eod. Can someone point out the benefits?
i prefer short esters mself. i like the control they allow you for making adjustments. not a fan (yet) of no esters though.
Honestly...its a case of making lemonade from lemons

I ordered the wrong gear, now I am stuck with it :(