Bro science wanted!


New member
So I'm getting ready to start cycle #3 next week....but I've run into a bit of a snag. I'm going out of country for 4 days which means I pretty much have to stop cycle for 2 of those days (the day I leave and the day I get back I can take everything). So here's the question... Will completely stopping for two days really make that big of an impact? Can I do it and drive on, or is this going to sabatoge the cycle?

I'll be on days 9 and 10 when I have to skip everything, by the way, out of a 30 day cycle. Taking the stuff with me is really not an option since customs can be pretty anal and if they would search my bags....well I just would rather avoid all that and possibly getting into trouble.

Thanks for the feedback as always.
You should be fine. If you want you could add one extra pill a day when you get back or at the end of the cycle to make it up.
You should be fine. If you want you could add one extra pill a day when you get back or at the end of the cycle to make it up.

I didn't think of that!? See that's why I made the title what I did! Thanks man, I'll give it a try (in moderation). I'll be cycling Powerdrol 10 and Halo-V together, just like I did for my first ever cycle. Last time I tried them seperately, and as I result I found out that I am in LOVE with Halo-V. However, my total strength gains were better when I ran them both together....even though I blame the PD-10 for making the nips feel funny for a few days.

I've heard that when you keeping using the same stuff though your body sort of "gets used to it" for lack of a better description, and so you don't have the same awesome results as you do the first time. I hope this isn't true....again due to the fact that I frick'n love the Halo-V. It gives me pretty much zero sides and really helps me pack on the pounds...and for a bonus of course my strength always goes up.

One last note and question....I was thinking of running my cycle as follows:

Week 1: PD-10 (1 tab, 10mg) Halo-V (1 tab, 25mg)
Week 2: PD-10 (2 tabs, 20mg) Halo-V (1 tab, 25mg)
Week 3: PD-10 2 tabs, Halo-V (2 tabs, 50 mg) = total 70mg
Week 4: same as week 3

My question/concern is that each bottle says "don't take more than 2 tabs in 24 hrs"....well does that mean I can't take 2 of each...which is essentially 4 tabs? I mean they are two different compounds!? That would suck if I could only ever max out at one each? Anyway, I need some guidance. Thanks for the help so far.
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