let me break it down for you tough guy..
your 160lbs.. and your supposedly a "hard gainer" lovely... iv heard that alot.. its all bs.. ur not eating right.. your not eating enough.. or your not checking up your macros correctly.. you'd have to post up a diet
so you go ahead and do gear.. and u put on lets say 20lbs of lean muscle (i wish that happened every time for everyone) after the bloat..
it takes 70 calories to maintain 1lb of muscle daily, without use..
so now ur body needs another 1400 calories to maintain.
since u CANT EVEN maintain and gain off steroids, wtf makes u think u can hold on to those gains???
steroids are not magic.. they wont get you big and keep you big
your diet will get you big and keep you big..
do yourself a favor.. post up a diet.. let me critique it.....
at the least, if your not gonna listen to me and still do the gear, you'll diet will be at an optimal point...
but with ur current stats... running gear is rediculous.. PEROID...
not trying to flame.. if anything im doing you a favor...
u say you eat 3000 calories clean... whats clean? whats your meal plan? what do you eat when?
get in detail....
as for you BULK.. a dirty bulk is the stupidest thing u can do.. make every calorie count in the right way...
Not trying to be "tough" at all lol. Once I gain a good 20lbs then ill probably act tough lol. anyway I honestly have no exact meal plan, but I will tell you I eat about 4 times a day plus 2 Shakes. Shakes are within 20 minutes of waking up in the morning and within 30 minutes of going to sleep. I've heard besides right after a workout these are the best times to take them. The gainer/protein I take is 1,250 calories and 62 grams of protein.
Ill wake up take a shake. Honestly right after a shake ill be really full so ill shower, get dressed and ready for the day then have something like oatmeal with whole milk, 2-3 scrambled eggs on 2 peices of wheat or multigrain bread, shredded mini wheat cereal or honey bunches of oats cereal. I dont have a plan on what I eat on which days, but as for morning food thats my choices.
my first snack will be like penut butter and jelly, nutrigrain bars, granola bars, some penuts or sunflower seeds, string cheese, fruit and or carrot sticks. The worst thing ill eat would be like whole grain goldfish or pretzels
Lunch I'll most likely eat some kind of meat and just throw it in my little foreman grill. 90% of the time it will be chicken or steak so chicken or steak. Won't lie to you, lots of the time i'll eat JUST the meat alone for lunch, but ill eat ALOT of it. Trust me I TRY and eat, I eat food as if it were a supliment, even when im full I try to keep on stuffing.
After lunch I might have a snack I might not. If I do it would most likely did it wouldnt be something I would make cuz im busy mid day. Either granola bars or string cheese. Maybe the wholegrain goldfish.
Dinner choices include - Pasta, steak, chicken, those mixed veggie bags, eggs, wheat bread, and some others.
The morning is always 100%, the dinner is always 100% Sometimes I miss the snacks or lunch. Never both.
Honestly the reason I go with gear is becuase for ME it seems that it IS magic. I did my first cycle BEFOREEE I knew of this forum or any forums, BEFOREEE I was a researchaholic and pretty much before I knew shit. My gains off my first cycle were fucking rediculous and I maintained the same look since. Im 21 now and im just not getting anywhere with this diet. Im gonna post 3 pics. The first pic you can obviously see I was young as shit but this is my natural build. The second pic was at 19-20?right before my first cycle. I've got clothes so you can see much, but I KNOW you can see those 8 inch biceps lol. You think 160 is pussy weight!!?!?!?!? Dude, look at me in those fucking pics!! The last pic is me now at 160lbs. Obviously I wanna get MUCH bigger, but I think theres a noticable difference. I give 75% of the credit to the use of steroids. But anyways yea thats my story and I don't want you to think im not grateful of the info your giving me, if it wasnt for this site man would I be fucked lol.. I'd have bigger tits then pam anderson, DEF have an infection from injecting, prolly wouldnt be able to get my dick hard and alot more.