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When you guys bulk, how high do you let your bodyfat get? I know some people that don't give a damn how fat they get while bulking. I am dieting right now and I don't think I ever want my bodyfat much higher that 12% ever again. Where do you guys draw the line?
It is not a matter of how high. For me it is a matter of % gain. I try not to gain more than 2.5 to 3%
I put on a little more than I would like. I see probably a 2" increase around the waist but that's not to bad I usually start out pretty lean.
Do you guys do cardio at all when bulking? I never used to, but next time I bulk, I am going to do cardio at least once a week I think. I don't believe it will interfere with my gains very much if any. And it will help keep my heart healthy. What's your thoughts on this?
I don't do cardio much while bulking. I might hop on the tread mill once a week if that. I probably should do a little more.
I do not while bulking if I am using dbol or Eq. Had some wind and bp issues when doing cardio.
I've been bulking for some time now, my next cycle will continue to be a bulking cycle. I'm not concerned about bf right now
How do you guys eat while bulking? Do you keep your diet clean? Do you eat everything?
I try to stay fairly clean. I do not gain as much mass, but I do not lose nearly as much either.
I only count protien grams when bulking everything else is fair game. I try to keep it as clean as possible but don't worry about fat or carb grams.
saturn said:
I only count protien grams when bulking everything else is fair game. I try to keep it as clean as possible but don't worry about fat or carb grams.

This is what I was looking to do. How much protein do you try and consume Saturn?
im still natural here but eat every fucking thing in site. if i want it i eat it, even when slin is active. i cant gain any more fat than i have right now, i think its impossible for me because im way over maintanance levels of cals, by around 2k actualy. funny thing is i wont gain any more than i have no mater what but it kills me to lose the little bit i have, and its all on my love handles and lower abs. i can see the top 4 abs no prob, then i got a lil tire goin on. but if i did gain fat easy i would get too overboard, maybe alow myself to gain a few %. as far as one day of cardio, it wont hurt gains and be at least slightly helpful for cardiovascular health but dont count on it doing much for fat loss.
Easto said:
This is what I was looking to do. How much protein do you try and consume Saturn?

I shoot for about 480g per day at 240lbs. I don't always succeed in getting 2g per pound but stay pretty close.
Eat, eat, eat and eat some more. I also supplement with nlarge2 during bulking so I get 150-200g in the form of protien shakes. I also make the shakes with milk to get a few more grams of protien.
I usually use milk, but I am cutting right now, so I am drinking them with water. I don't like it very much, but I do it anyways.

I have never tried musclemilk, but I hear they taste great. If you ever give them a try, let me know how they are bronco!
i plan on it very soon, as the 5 pounds of eas vanilla makes me gag thinking about it. even whole milk cant help that shit. i like isopure but its kinda expencive and i dont mind the carbs or fat, even when taking it post slin shot.
If flavor is an issue, I think Labrada Lean Body vanilla tastes great when mixed with skim milk. Expensive though.

On the subject of bulking, I'm 4 weeks into my first cycle and have put on more fat than I wanted too. I'm going to throw in some arimidex and cut cals to see if I can trim up the rest of the cycle without stopping the bulkup.

If that doesn't work, I have a second cycle, cutting cycle, in the works made up of prop and fina. :D