burning belly fat?


New member
ok im 5'5 185 lbs, my bf % is btwn 13-15%. most of which seems to be in my stomach area. im looking to start a cycle to gain mass. before i do that i want to burn as much belly fat as i can as quickly as possible. i would like to get my bf% into the singe digits. can anyone help me?
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i would like to do that but im affraid i would be one of those guys with muscles as well as a pot belly. thats really what i want to eliminate.
well thats up to you just giving my advice
ive never had trouble with fat but from what i hear/read its alot easier to build then cut. im sure someone else would agree....anyone
If you are feeling heavy, the worst thing you can do is decide to "bulk up" then cut down once your huge! I mean it works for some guys, but most likely you have a problem with your weight. If your ready to bulk up first, you are just being lazy and putting off the hard work for later, which you will never get around to. I am just speaking on behalf of most of the overweight Americans. Some guys can actually pull it off! Most guys dont though. You bulk up and then your huge ass is used to eating 5000 calories a day. Good luck getting your fat ass to cut down to 2500 clean calories a day and doing cardio. From experience, I say just cut that fat off, then bulk up! Get your body fat down to 10 percent or so and then once you see your abs, start your clean massing phase. You will even look bigger when your that lean. This is just one mans opinon... do what you want, but I'm telling you, you will be much happier if you cut your fat right now, then work up your size from that point! Either way, ROCK OUT!!
id say build the muscle 1st. the more you have the more ability u have to burn fat

running mate and plenty of it, its impossible to target weight loss to a specific area unfortunatly.

From my understanding mate I have to agree with these guys ^

fat loss is usually over the whole body and is virtual impossible to target one area, such as abs. It is my understanding also that last place for fat to drop off will be the stomach and love handles for men. yet I am happy to be correct on that. :)

Think about it, if it was possible to target an area like abs, then all them infomercials products, like the ad flex, 7 minutes abs would work and we all have abs a basic crunch. Only way you will flat that gut is by getting your total BF down to 10-12% or less for abs.

It also a common fact that more muscle burn more energy in turn = more fat loss, as long as your protein intake is high enough to assist /avoid catabolism of muscle, the choice on either, is always yours though, cardio exercise is one of many keys for fat loss.

my 2c

hope it helps
I have a belly fat issue-been that way my whole life. Played football 4 years in high school and still didnt get rid of it.

I started my first cycle of test only in April and I have definately shed a lot of fat-mostly in my stomach.

I eat really clean though and only about 3k to 3.5k calories a day.
get lean first. try walking on a treadmill every morning for 30-60mins on an incline. on an empty stomach. bulking will work better if you cut, and get in shape before you add weight
I agree with dedlift. I know you are getting alot of opinions thrown your way. Cut up first till you get where you feel is the right place before you start adding mass and inevitably some BF. I would say about 10-12%

Keep your diet in check and hit the treadmill. Walk at a steady pace on an incline for about 40min 3-5 times a week.

The faster you reach the weight loss goal the faster you can start building mass. Once you see the fat coming off you will be motivated to keep it up...
Good luck bro...keep us posted
I did the bulk first and now I'm cutting weight, it sucks because I was big but had a big pot belly....people would comment, "holy shit, you're getting big, but what's with the pot?" and now that I'm getting smaller everyone thinks I did juice.
my opinion, lose the weight first then you'll look that much better when you're on the sauce.

as for losing that weight.... eat frequent small meals, cardio after your workout, maybe hit up some ephedrine
Belly fat is tough, but we have found High Intencity Interval Training ( H I I T ) works best for those stubborn fat deposits. Walk for 4 minutes on treadmill and sprint for a minute, do this for 60 minutes per workout and you will see results quick. After an hour workout you will see that you just finished sprinting for 12 minutes. It works bro's.
Belly fat is tough, but we have found High Intencity Interval Training ( H I I T ) works best for those stubborn fat deposits. Walk for 4 minutes on treadmill and sprint for a minute, do this for 60 minutes per workout and you will see results quick. After an hour workout you will see that you just finished sprinting for 12 minutes. It works bro's.

HIIT training is some serious business if you work it right! I have done this a few times with great results. It's all about a clean diet and cardio. No special tricks around it!
One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle.

To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left knee.
except that there is no such thing as spotburning so doing ab excercises does very little to burn the fat at the belly.

good for training the ab muscles though.

One exercise that targets the stubborn stomach area is called The Bicycle.

To do The Bicycle, simply lay on the floor pressing your lower back to the ground. Your hands are beside your head. Bring your knees to an approximate 45-degree angle and slowly go through the motion of pedaling a bicycle. Your left elbow will touch your right knee and then your right elbow will touch your left knee.