Calorie surplus and nutrient partitioning while on cycle


New member
I am about to start my first cycle (500mg Test E every week for ten weeks). I have some questions:

1) Does test influence nutrient partitioning to such a degree that if I keep a small enough surplus, say 300-400 calories, that all of it will go to muscle?

2) I have no experience with gear and I have no idea what to expect in terms of its partitioning effects. What surplus is recommended? I want my gains to be lean, but at the same time it's my first cycle and I want to make the most of it.

3) What are protein recommendations? Current studies recommend .8 g - 1 g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Given heightened protein synthesis while on gear, should I up my protein intake? If so, to how much?
This is a pretty specific board and the experience members like as much information as you can possibly give them.
body fat
lifting experience
Estrogen control/AI
PRE CYCLE LABS!!!!!!!!! Never again in your life will you be able to get these labs.

Not over doing calories is a big deal to keep fat gain to a minimum but fat gain will happen. Good on you for knowing there is a line between to little AMD to much. Your needs will also change as your cycle goes

This is the basic overview and "mandatory reading".***********-proper-nutrition-3j.html
for fat, testosterone alone won't do anything worth noting. from my experience, the only steroid that will actually fight off bodyfat is tren, and this is because tren is an anti glucocorticoid which means it blocks cortisol receptors pretty dramatically. the less cortisol you have in your body, the more your body will use stored fat. in addition, tren has a thermogenic effect on the body so you will be hotter all the time which means you'll burn more calories. the higher IGF levels tren causes may also play a role in this but i'm not sure about that. when i get in shape for summer i like using GH and then somewhere along the lines i will throw in tren, and that's when i start looking real serious. noticeably leaner and bigger which happens at the same time.

i wouldn't recommend tren for you anytime soon because you won't really know what you're doing for a few more cycles.

from personal experience aside from tren, the other hardening drugs like winstrol, masteron, proviron, anavar, etc will only create the illusion of less bodyfat due to harder muscles and deeper lines. none of these are worth it to anyone over 12% bodyfat. some say even less but i don't fully agree.

but of course keeping the fat off always starts and ends with your diet because anyone can drag their ass to the gym, the hard part is sitting and eating your salad when everyone around you is eating pasta.
Precycle labs like main man said above and your stats here as well. what is your cycle goal? diet alone will dictate your gains so if it was me id contact 3J here and get some free diet advice so you can get the most out of your cycle.
Just the words, I have no experience with gear puts up RED FLAGS.
please do your own hw and read all you can on the gear profiles and others experiences with the same style cycle.
I am about to start my first cycle (500mg Test E every week for ten weeks). I have some questions:

1) Does test influence nutrient partitioning to such a degree that if I keep a small enough surplus, say 300-400 calories, that all of it will go to muscle?

2) I have no experience with gear and I have no idea what to expect in terms of its partitioning effects. What surplus is recommended? I want my gains to be lean, but at the same time it's my first cycle and I want to make the most of it.

3) What are protein recommendations? Current studies recommend .8 g - 1 g of protein per lb of bodyweight. Given heightened protein synthesis while on gear, should I up my protein intake? If so, to how much?

your best course of action is to contact 3J for free diet and training advice.
masteron, proviron, anavar,will only create the illusion of less bodyfat due to harder muscles and deeper lines. none of these are worth it to anyone over 12% bodyfat holmes.
3J got me started ages ago when i was like you. now Im strutting and muscles are bulging beachside. girls girls they love me negro!