calories or protein?


New member
i'm getting a little confused about this, i know you're supposed to have a high protein diet and this is what my goal has been lately but, I also see people saying that when you're bulking you need to raise your calorie count (ie: i hear about 3k daily calorie meals plans)to me this sounds like saying you should eat big macs (i know it really can't mean that). it must be good calories but, i'm wondering why not continue to just increase protein or base the diet off that, how come it's going to calories?

or i guess here's an example, my protein shake is a 70 g. protein shake (3 scoops of whey protein) each severing is 24g protein and about 100 calories per serving. now i saw somebody recommend their own shake which is 1.5 scoops of whey protein blended with oats (grinded in a coffee grinder) he said this is about 454 calories. So which would be better for me? his shake didn't say how much protein it was but, if I use 1.5 scoops of mine then that's 60g protein, so it's less protein but more calories.

also i realize maybe a 70g shake is too much at once and 60 might be appropriate but, i'm just using that as an example if you had 2 meals and one was higher in protein and the other higher in calories and they were both considered healthy meals, which would be better for you?
Okay answer is simple here buddy , if u go on a diet with a caloric surplus of to much protein and not enough fiber ur colon will suffer , ull have all kinds of trouble going to the toilet. ur pwo shake should contain no more then 50g of wpi, the rest of ur foods should come from whole sources .
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and you need healthy fats like nuts, fish etc..
Healthy fats are good For your cholesterol and stuff.

carbs are decent source of energy that last a long time like rice beans potatoes, veggies and fruits.
ok i'm already aware of veggies, i eat as much veggies as i can as for carbs like potatos, beans and rice I have pre-diabetes so I have to watch those kinds of carbs, I try to avoid them except occasionally and more lenient on beans, avoid potatoes the most.

i also know about healthy fasts, i eat peanuts (though haven't as much lately) but, fish I eat all the time at least once a day sometimes twice, every night I have baked tilapia, if it's not tilapia it's catfish or salmon.

now i feel like my question was still not answered what the difference between a high calorie diet and a high protein diet, why do some people go by calories instead of protein?

i don't need any more diet advise, I was with 3j for a while so I don't need tips on what to eat. I haven't renewed my plan yet or else he would be the best person to go for advise, I'm still following the same plan that he originally gave me.
High calorie could be high protein. Every gram of protein is 4 calories therefore lets say a diet of 3000cals could be:

3000 cals
300g Pro
300g Carb
66g Fat

There is a high protein/carb diet that is also a high calorie diet (for some people).

Did you think protein didn't have a caloric value?