Can I continue Tren without Test?


New member
I will run out of Prop well before I run out of my Tren. My question is, can I continue using up the Tren without stacking with Test?
I will run out of Prop well before I run out of my Tren. My question is, can I continue using up the Tren without stacking with Test?

Can you drive your car without oil if you still have gas in the tank? Sure, but it's not going to be happy for long. ;)
made this mistake on my first tren cycle... but I did it with test E. So it wasn't as bad as you're gonna be.

My advice. DONT do it
The theory of tren with no test - the problem wouldn't be the lack of testosterone... but the lack of estrogen.

Now, with dbol and tren - there is no need for testosterone, as these two would cover
all your basis for activity of androgen steroids.

Aromatization of Dianabol will satisfy the need for a normal degree of estrogenic activity.

This gives you a "Class I" and "Class II" steroid stack.

Trenbolone gives you the "Class I" steroid - which combines to the androgen receptor.

Dbol is your "Class II" steroid - and does not bind to the androgen receptor.

However... "I still recommend having test in the cycle."
The theory of tren with no test - the problem wouldn't be the lack of testosterone... but the lack of estrogen.

Now, with dbol and tren - there is no need for testosterone, as these two would cover
all your basis for activity of androgen steroids.

Aromatization of Dianabol will satisfy the need for a normal degree of estrogenic activity.

This gives you a "Class I" and "Class II" steroid stack.

Trenbolone gives you the "Class I" steroid - which combines to the androgen receptor.

Dbol is your "Class II" steroid - and does not bind to the androgen receptor.

However... "I still recommend having test in the cycle."

Wtf are you talking about???
The theory of tren with no test - the problem wouldn't be the lack of testosterone... but the lack of estrogen.

Now, with dbol and tren - there is no need for testosterone, as these two would cover
all your basis for activity of androgen steroids.

Aromatization of Dianabol will satisfy the need for a normal degree of estrogenic activity.

This gives you a "Class I" and "Class II" steroid stack.

Trenbolone gives you the "Class I" steroid - which combines to the androgen receptor.

Dbol is your "Class II" steroid - and does not bind to the androgen receptor.

However... "I still recommend having test in the cycle."

So what about other hormone-driven systems that actually look for the testosterone molecule like the thyroid, pancreas, adrenals? Testosterone is much more than an anabolic hormone to us men; it really is a pretty integral part of a machine.

Not busting your balls btw, I still see DOCTORS stating this kind of stuff, which blows my mind.
I heard stuff like that about dbol i just never comment because ive never tried it, nor do i like dbol. I jeard something about dbol bringing back sex drive some shit like that. From what i ununderstood it in a way acts like the male sex hormone but what do i care ill stick to low test
I heard stuff like that about dbol i just never comment because ive never tried it, nor do i like dbol. I jeard something about dbol bringing back sex drive some shit like that. From what i ununderstood it in a way acts like the male sex hormone but what do i care ill stick to low test

Its probably cause dbol aromatizes heavily and raises estrogen.. which when elevated can give you better libido and sense of well being (until the estrogen gets too high.. then all hell breaks loose)
Its probably cause dbol aromatizes heavily and raises estrogen.. which when elevated can give you better libido and sense of well being (until the estrogen gets too high.. then all hell breaks loose)

Does dbol make you horny? I hear all thks shit how great it makes you feel, maybe ive never tried good dbol, i never got that effect
Does dbol make you horny? I hear all thks shit how great it makes you feel, maybe ive never tried good dbol, i never got that effect

I'm taking 40 mg per day right now.. feel pretty damn good all the way around (compared to how I felt pre cycle).. I'm also taking Proviron though too,, and that is a positive mood and libido enhancer as well. So I can't pin point if its the Dbol for sure or not,, but the 28 pounds of weight gain over the last 8 weeks is definitely something the Dbol has helped with.

The only negative I'm experiencing right now is from the NPP-- claustrophobia, trouble breathing-- I feel strong in the gym and the nandrolone is definitely kicked in.. but every time with deca/npp when it starts kicking in I get those two negative sides.
I'm taking 40 mg per day right now.. feel pretty damn good all the way around (compared to how I felt pre cycle).. I'm also taking Proviron though too,, and that is a positive mood and libido enhancer as well. So I can't pin point if its the Dbol for sure or not,, but the 28 pounds of weight gain over the last 8 weeks is definitely something the Dbol has helped with.

The only negative I'm experiencing right now is from the NPP-- claustrophobia, trouble breathing-- I feel strong in the gym and the nandrolone is definitely kicked in.. but every time with deca/npp when it starts kicking in I get those two negative sides.

Are you taking a dopamine agonist like prami? It would help with those sides, most notably the trouble breathing side......
Are you taking a dopamine agonist like prami? It would help with those sides, most notably the trouble breathing side......

I have Prami on hand -- I'll give it a try.. what dosage do you recommend just to help with those sides?

the NPP is getting dropped,, it was only ran 6 weeks as a front load to the Deca,, I'll be continuing with the deca though at 400 mg a week is all..
I have Prami on hand -- I'll give it a try.. what dosage do you recommend just to help with those sides?

the NPP is getting dropped,, it was only ran 6 weeks as a front load to the Deca,, I'll be continuing with the deca though at 400 mg a week is all..

As always with prami start out low. .25mg/day for 7-10 days, then up it to what I would use for my regular dose, .5mg/day. Take at night , before bed, with some food.
If .25mg gives you sides then drop it to .125 for a week, then .25 for a week, then to .5 and take that dose the rest of the way. It will def help IMO.
As always with prami start out low. .25mg/day for 7-10 days, then up it to what I would use for my regular dose, .5mg/day. Take at night , before bed, with some food.
If .25mg gives you sides then drop it to .125 for a week, then .25 for a week, then to .5 and take that dose the rest of the way. It will def help IMO.

thanks man! After several nandrolone cycles and dealing with those two sides,,, I've had the solution sitting in my fridge the whole time !!
Just get some test for god sake buddy. It's going to be easier on your pct and to keep your gains not to mention psychological factors.

Where's your location and I'll send you some left over i
So what about other hormone-driven systems that actually look for the testosterone molecule like the thyroid, pancreas, adrenals? Testosterone is much more than an anabolic hormone to us men; it really is a pretty integral part of a machine.

Not busting your balls btw, I still see DOCTORS stating this kind of stuff, which blows my mind.

preach it brother!!