can someone please give me an effective dosage for EC stack?


I am banned!
i have 8mg ephedrine pills and 200mg caffein per pill. its been a long time since i used it just wondering if any1 has doses that worked well for u
how many times per day of that dose? and its safe to jump on 25mg ephed straight away?

I did 3x/day when cutting hard , 1x/day as a preworkout many many times. There would be no harm in testing the waters at a lower dose. If you get the benefits at a lower dose then great. Try 16mg , see how that goes, then if need be add in another 8mg tab IMO.
I did 3x/day when cutting hard , 1x/day as a preworkout many many times. There would be no harm in testing the waters at a lower dose. If you get the benefits at a lower dose then great. Try 16mg , see how that goes, then if need be add in another 8mg tab IMO.

ok thanks whats the highest dose so its closer to clens effects?
Always start low with stims and thermogenics. You don't always have to "feel" them working for them to do their job. You have 8mg tabs so start at 16mg eph, 200mg caffeine, 81mg aspirin, twice a day. Then once you asses your tolerance you can bump up the dosage or add a third dose throughout the day. That's what I'm currently doing at the moment and I'm glad I didn't start too high.
how many times per day of that dose? and its safe to jump on 25mg ephed straight away?

i feel fu&*ked just on 16mg dose.. i would start at 8mg,, then 16mg then add another if you feel alright. I wouldent jump to 25mg off that bat, then again when I took that dose I felt soo high i didnt like the feeling. not everyone reacts the same, so strt low and find what works for YOU. : )