Cant eat when I want to eat..


What I mean is, I am currently working maybe once or twice a week with my current job, so, I can pretty much cook and eat every meal on schedule.

I usually eat my meals in this sequence.

9am breakfast
11am second meal
1 pm third meal
3pm Pre-Workout shake (45 min before gym)
5:30-6pm Post-Workout Shake
7pm 5th meal
9pm 6th meal

I am currently bulking natty till December.

Now, the problem is, I might be starting a new job soon. The schedule should be something like 9-5 with one lunch break (as far as I know). My question is, How can I eat all the meals I eat now, or get the same amount of calories I am getting now (3.5k-4.5k) with only one lunch break??!?!?

I know many big dudes have this type of schedule but I just want to know how the hell they are able to maintain all the calories with only one lunch break.

I'm getting nervous just thinking about it because I'm gaining very well with my current diet and I don't want to screw it up when I get my new job..

So how can I do this? Anyone experiencing the same situation?
I used to bring shakes premixed w/olive oil, 50 grams protein and carbs(alot of times consisting of powdered baby cereal or blended oatmeal) it sucked but was the best i cud do and wud also ususally wolf down a couple bananas i was working 7-7 but still managed to maintain alright considering. Wasn't near as gud as decent meals but it helped keep me maintaining. also protein bars on the go. bout all ive done wen work is crazy busy
looks like you have a few meals to eat pre cooked chicken and rice and a protein shake a cup of yogurt and some peanut butter and a pouch of tuna. It can be done. It was hard for me too. A change in my work schedule ended a 2 year cycle for me. I tried packing tuna salad, chicken salad
LOL when I use to work and not on forced retirement and offseason or on I just brought my food for the day precooked in a cooler and nuked it or just ate it cold. Drinking your calories is the easiest and you looking at your every 2 hour feeding you can stretch that out to 3 hours depending on protein sources. Also are you getting casein protein before bed? If not you should be.
Food all precooked, if your lucky you get a minute to warm it up. If not, cold meals all day. Not much way around it! Hopefully you can make fresh food the night before, then it's not so bad. Usually i'm so busy, I have to make enough food for 3 the third day already bland chicken breasts are really bad.
Yeah, I know what you guys mean. It is hard. All are good ideas so I'm going to find out exactly how this is going to work. So far, the pre-cooked meals is the best idea. I just have to figure out how they are going to let me eat it during work..

I used to work with my father delivering bread all over when I was on my cutting diet. I would have all my meals in a lunch box pre cooked and eat them cold since i was in a truck all day. It wasn't all that bad especially when your in the heat all day.

Thanks for your help guys. Any more suggestions?
Ya, if your making good money WTF u doing going from a 2day a week job to this? LOL!

But seriously, just make as much fresh food as you can because it's always tastier (and some suggest even more nutritionally valuable). Move your shakes to during the day if you like as well, and just keep 1 shake for Post workout. Shakes are a lot easier to consume on the go than meals.
Ya, if your making good money WTF u doing going from a 2day a week job to this? LOL!

But seriously, just make as much fresh food as you can because it's always tastier (and some suggest even more nutritionally valuable). Move your shakes to during the day if you like as well, and just keep 1 shake for Post workout. Shakes are a lot easier to consume on the go than meals.

I say I'm working 2 days a week because that's how often I'm leaving my house to go sell (Commission only, insurance), the rest of the time Im working from home (that's why I can eat when I want to eat). Its very hard. I'm not making enough money to pay my bills so I have to switch to a 9-5 to support myself.
hi this is my first post but i usually put 4 or 5 tins of tuna in a tub mix with 1 or 2 tuna light lunches then heat 2 cans of tomatoe soup & have az cup full of tuna & soup every hour & half during the day at work & break up the blandness with a chicken stirfry prepaired the night before at dinner time , so it would be two tuna & soup before dinner then 2 after then az protein shake after training then probably another stirfry at home with some saved back for next day , i know it seems a bit repetative but ive been doing it for about a month so far whilst im waiting for my diet plan to be made for me , i put on 7 ibs in the 1st 2 weeks but this week lost it , im 17st 3ibs & 6'2" tall , just started training very heavy & controlled my goal is to do a show next sept , so the plan is bulk til may then diet but i want to loose the excess fat but put on lean size & muscle ,ive been training for a few years now tried all different sorts of gear etc so ive always been a big lad but this is the 1st time ive ever been serious about doing a comp , currently im doing 2mls of test 3 times a week with 2 debol in morning 3 in afternoon , next week im starting hgh 2 mls before bed , insulin only on training days not sure of amount yet, & ill be using igf & im not sure about that dosage yet either & to tell the truth this is the 1st ive heard about it
any suggestions , i know you will prob rip me apart say prob not enough carbs etc but i do a lot of driving in my job & im finding this managable at the moment