Checking in before first injection Monday


New member
Gonna begin my first steroid cycle on Monday after years of debate.
Stats: 23 y.o
Height 5'10
Weight 195, 13-15% BF
Strict training for 6.5 years 5 days a week

Will be running 100% GP gear


Weeks 1 - 12 Test E 250 mg twice a week (Monday morning, Thursday night)
Weeks 1 - 12 Aromasin 12.5 mg every other day
Weeks 1 - 12 HCG 250 IU twice a week w test E injection.

PCT (15 days after last injection)

Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Appreciate any feedback.
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Wait until you are 25 years old. Your endocrine system is still developing. Read the FAQs link k in my signature for more info on this.
Wait until you are 25 years old. Your endocrine system is still developing. Read the FAQs link k in my signature for more info on this.

With all do respect mega,
I've been training for over 7 years and have been in a strong plateau for the last 2 years w/ diff training routines & diets.
My total test levels are also naturally low < 400.
Other than your a little on the young side, everything looks good.

I'd get bloods done before during and after to see baseline, if you have your ai dose about right and then again 4-6 weeks post pct to c if you've recovered

Probably best to just wait a few years but people will do what they want to do
With all do respect mega,
I've been training for over 7 years and have been in a strong plateau for the last 2 years w/ diff training routines & diets.
My total test levels are also naturally low < 400.

Sorry. I didn't realize it was a whole 7 years. That surely sped up your endocrine system develop. Apologies.
With all do respect mega,
I've been training for over 7 years and have been in a strong plateau for the last 2 years w/ diff training routines & diets.
My total test levels are also naturally low < 400.

mate you're 23 years old. No one would even count your training before you hit roughly 18-20 as it usually sucks. In that case, should I count all my rugby and gymnastics from age 5? If so, i've been training 22 years!

as such, sounds like you've been training for 2-3 years, hit a plateau and now reverted to wanting to take steroids to help.

Is it because others do this or because you think it's cool with no long term effects? If smoking helped you athletically, would you start smoking, knowing all the side effects, long and short term?

Even though steroids aren't as bad a cigarettes, AAS does come with an array of problems

As an aside, gymnastics training is harder than most people's gym work so it should count
OP, with all due respect of being 23 years old I tell you have not come close to your genetic and natty peak. At 23 you need to now learn how to train and eat.

Some people haven't peaked at 29-30. Look at what some of the Natural BB's do without cycling. I'm just saying it's a little early yet. Nothing is better then reaching your peak natty and then introducing AAS and begin a whole new level for yourself.

What you have proposed is OK if you continue as I think you will, but I like to reiterate the truism of your youth.
With all do respect mega,
I've been training for over 7 years and have been in a strong plateau for the last 2 years w/ diff training routines & diets.
My total test levels are also naturally low < 400.

If you have low T, see a doctor. Cycling is a tool used to overcome boundaries set by mommy nature, not to make up for deficiencies in training/diet.

Brain development is the final step in puberty; you really want to mess with that?

I will also say no. Wait a few more years. Your body is still changing rapidly. If you are in a plateu for 2 years, 2 things can be happening. 1)You are not training/eating as you should. 2)You have reached your natural limit. I think #2 is out of the question.

I would make some more alterations to my routine/diet if I were you. Hell, when I was 23, even changing from low to high rep, would give something visible after just a month.

Please reconsider. If your mind is set,however, like some said, then cycle looks ok.
When you get the test done from your doctor to check your testosterone level, be smart about it. They want it done in the morning, but don't do it then as that it when it is the HIGHEST. Do it later in the day, they will not worry about the time at all, just the number they see.

400 is not low enough to get you classified as LowT, since it is above the minimum number. Yes, at your age that IS VERY LOW, but most likely docs will turn you down. Make sure to play up your symptoms (if you have Low T you will KNOW what they are, trust me). Tell him you want to feel better and do not care what testosterone number is needed to make that happen, you just know that live sucks as things are now.

Get your body fixed by the doctors first, get yourself dialed in and safe, hire 3J to get your diet and exercise plans on point (he is cheaper than most cycles and what you learn you keep forever) and go from there. You can worry about cycling later, after you get fixed. If you start cycling now, your HPTA system will rat you out if you see a doctor while on cycle.
When you get the test done from your doctor to check your testosterone level, be smart about it. They want it done in the morning, but don't do it then as that it when it is the HIGHEST. Do it later in the day, they will not worry about the time at all, just the number they see.

400 is not low enough to get you classified as LowT, since it is above the minimum number. Yes, at your age that IS VERY LOW, but most likely docs will turn you down. Make sure to play up your symptoms (if you have Low T you will KNOW what they are, trust me). Tell him you want to feel better and do not care what testosterone number is needed to make that happen, you just know that live sucks as things are now.

Get your body fixed by the doctors first, get yourself dialed in and safe, hire 3J to get your diet and exercise plans on point (he is cheaper than most cycles and what you learn you keep forever) and go from there. You can worry about cycling later, after you get fixed. If you start cycling now, your HPTA system will rat you out if you see a doctor while on cycle.

Regardless of the results, getting a doc to put a 23 year old on TRT is a tough sell.