Chinese HGH?


Juice Authority

Did we ever reach a consensus on the quality of Chinese HGH? I know there some talk about it being fake. Let me know because I might be picking up 500IU's for $2,100, which is a decent deal if it's as good as this guy claims it is.
there is different chinese manufacturers, so i dont beleive its fair to say that all chinese GH is the same, but one of the "general characteristics" that people speak of with the chinese stuff is red welts. i've had these red welts and they are not fun, trust me. the welts that i got werre 2" in diameter and hurt like a fuckin bitch for 3 days or so, then then get really itchy... the actual lump slowly dissappears over about 3 weeks... personally, i would stay away, but i would like to hear other opinions as well
Not my personal experience, but a guy at my gym swears by it, i mean, he buys like a gallon at a time (exaggeration). He's 42 about 6 foot, and a lean as hell 230. Hes been on it 3ius for 1 1/2 years.
Interesting feedback...bump for more. What about the price I was quoted for 500IU's?
bro, 4.20 a iu is pretty expensive, look at my pictures and see if these are the bottles you are getting, if so email me and i will help you out, ;)
Thanks. I thought it was a little on the high side. I pay no more than $400 a kit for somaject (126IU's). Somaject sucks though.
I know that. Eurotech is just the repackaging company. It's not actually made in Germany as many think. The Chinese HGH I was referring to above is not somaject.
yup, they are supposed to be good indeed, which is why i say that not all chinese gh is equal
FreakOfNature said:
Jinotropin is supposed to be one of the best on the market! I'll let ya know in 3 months, I have 2000 iu ordered!

That's the HGH I was referring to.
gh from china....still good?

my beef with ordering from china is that how long the gh will be out from a cold environment and the product may get highly degraded! i got 2 kits of the eurotech and am halfway through the second, and i am not happy! i believe this is chinese gh just like the sero's no holograms, these suppliers may have the product out of cold for a long ass time and this shit isn't working like it should. what do you guys think because if you could get it direct at such a cheap price with it being stable, man that would be great! getsum27 out
China GH

I just got a shipment from China. They sent it Fed EX got here in 3 days. It was sent with an Ice Pac. I did notice the powder was clumped together. But it reconstitutes nicely. It does not have a brand name affixed to it......What could this mean? The company that makes it carries a whole line of Anabolics. The Bro who recommended them swears by the AAS. I just started using the product. I wouldn't even know I was taking it.
Jintropin by GenSci is top notch stuff. And very potent I have to say. I got CTS at 10iu/day within a 3 weeks. Well but when it comes to hgh dosage is very personal thing though. I'll give it another try at lower dose. I'll start next week.
The price you got is awesome if we are talking about GenSci Jintropin. Other chinese HGHs are cheaper but Jintropin is the best. You are getting very good deal bro! Believe me!