CJC 1295 with DAC??


New member
i am new to this forum maybe you can help a newbie...I made a purchase a few weeks ago from SRC and ordered cjc 1295 with dac and ghrp 2. i didnt see the cjc1295 without dac at that time........Now i have read everywhere i should have purchased without dac. Is this still safe to take or will i experience a GH bleed. If i take it at what dose and how frequent for a male weighing 265. ...Thanks for any help you can give.

You should be just fine as long as you don't run it for 6 months or longer. The bleed is not "optimal" for male pulses, but still gets the job done well. The No DAC version is good because it'll just mimic natural pulses and not lead to pituitary suppression or GH bleed.

You can run 2000-3000mcg per week, dosing doesn't really matter since its half-life is pretty long. You could just pin 2-4 times a week and be fine.

How many did you buy?
I almost research 1295 with dac until I was told by datbtrue the side effects it caused

Edema, swollen joints, lethargy and run down feeling, carpel tunnel feeling in the hands, high blood pressure and higher morning fasted blood glucose.


He did not recommend it so I'm not touching it lol.