cjc , ghrp2/6 ?


New member
Hey fellas,
So ive been running ghrp2 at 300mcg upon awakeing and before bed and ghrp6 300mcg pwo, and ive been running cjc 100mg x3 on the daily mon to friday for all three. Im 2 n a bit months into it now and this is what i have noticed so far . Improved sleep, skin has a healthy glow, dropped some bf% not to to sure how much but im definetly leaner especially around the mid section all in all happy so far. However yesterday i was at uni and i was talking to a professor about them and he told me that u have to be careful and watch out for over stimulation especially with the cjc . So my question is because cjc has a long life is it really nessary to b pinning it 3 times a day ? Also my sex drive is 0 i mean ive just come off a drol cycle 3 weeks ago but i still havent bounced back proper post cycle therapy (pct) was taken i dont think thier would be any connection but its anoying me i dont want to hump anything ! :noway:
Thanks Diced
yikes man, i have always read that cjc should be taken before bed only. at least that is what most of the protocols that i have seen. does it make you drowsy taking it throughout the day?
yikes ? , i was told x3 a day , no it doesnt make me drowsy at all . Im odd for example ghrp 2 makes me hungry as shit while 6 even 300mg doesnt make me hungry i mean if i get near food or smell food im hungry as shit but i dont get urges like ppl on here
Your good on the cjc I'm on 3x a day. Give yourself a little more time to bounce back. If anything you can use triptorelin to jump start you.
yikes ? , i was told x3 a day , no it doesnt make me drowsy at all . Im odd for example ghrp 2 makes me hungry as shit while 6 even 300mg doesnt make me hungry i mean if i get near food or smell food im hungry as shit but i dont get urges like ppl on here

yeah that is true, it affects everyone differently. i like the pre bed myself cause it seems to help me sleep better
The reason why you are seeing what you are seeing is because of the use of both peptides together. If you were to only use just the ghrp and NO ghrh, your results would be less noticeable in the same amount of time. As long as you are spacing you shot out at least with a 3 hour gap, you are fine.

I THINK your professor might have been referring to ghrh's effect in women, not men...
can someone weight in here. is cjc really nessary 3x a day ?

cjc without dac has a half life of 30mins which is the on you want to be taking.

cjc with dac has a half life of ~8days, you dont want it.

cjc 1295 w/o dac(mod grf) should be taken with the ghrp.

together they work so much better. separately they're pretty weak.

for example lets say separately they have an effect of 2.

taken together, it does not equal 2+2=4, it's more something like 2+2=8.

dont take my math literal, it's just to give you an idea.
also, ghrp's dont have an effect on sex drive. you have 0 sex drive because you finished a cycle. did you do proper pct?

If you want a libido boost, look into mt2. Its for tanning but a lot of users report an increase of libido.
also, ghrp's dont have an effect on sex drive. you have 0 sex drive because you finished a cycle. did you do proper pct?

If you want a libido boost, look into mt2. Its for tanning but a lot of users report an increase of libido.

Very true anything around 200 mcg is good for a boost over 500 mcg and your a walking "boner".
good stuff , still confused why ghrp 6 doesnt make me hungry at all , i swear ppl on here carry on sometimes ?
also interesting u say that about MT2, i used for just over a year straight. When i first started using i experienced all the userwell sides flushing,boners,stomach aches ect ect no nausea tho . And let me tell u i went BLACK. i had people asking me if i was aboriginal :/ . anyway as i continued to use the stuff after about 6 months i became really really sick(flu like) anyway i thought nothing of it so i continued to use then about a month or so later the same thing happened so i started to wonder if maybe MT2 was related anyway i continued to use :/ and i got sick again and i would always get sick within 24-72 hours of a jab ( when i say sick i mean f***** sick high fever,cramps just like a flu . anyway now i cant touch the stuff ive tryed several different sources ive tryed lower doses tryed everything i just get sick its like my body doesnt except the pep anymore and attacks it hence why i become ill . which sucks coz i was only using for about a year n a bit most of that was maintenance of .5 a week i no bros who have been using for 4-5 even 7 years without a problem . just goes to show every1 is different . but yeah stuff is a miracle drug for people who cant tan im a type 2 so i can tan but not without gettin burnt on mt2 i was blllaccckkkkkk as .