CLen when should i feel it


New member
HeY Gang!!
I am a newbie trying to lose some fat. I am 6'4" and I weigh about 230. I dont know my body fat content but my goal is to get to about 220. I've been working out 3 times a week for the last 3 months and cant shed some slight "bitch Tits" and a little belly. I decided to try Clen.. and just started my cycle sun. I started with two tabs of vent at .02mg. and i have only felt a slight warming in my chest area for side effects.. I plan to use the 2 weeks on/off cycle. when should i expect to get the side effects that I read about like the increased temp and the tremors? I f anyone who has used clen, or any of the well versed moderators can help me i would greatly appreciate it! dfad!@$ ooh wait was that a tremor?? lol
thanks in advance!
I am taking 100mcg/day and I started it today I will let u know, I would say in the middle of the week. But good luck bro.

Anyone else?

Hey Chops!
What are your specs.. that way i can compare and maybe up my dose. StonecoldNTo thanks for the welcome and the thread!
Hey bro, am I reading your original post correctly, it looks to me like you are only taking 40 mcg/day, is that right ??
Yeah Stone, I am at 40 right now since i started on sun. I plan on jumpin up to at least 60 tommorow.. depending on what i hear back from chops. Just as an aside when i read your post i read it in my head in steve austins voice lol.
That link I posted for you had a dosing schedule in there, you are supposed to bump up the dose by 20mcg/day until sides become too much, maybe have another look at it.

btw, I put SCSA's pic back up as my avatar, cause he will be back very shortly, maybe even an appearance on RAW tonight, Oh Hell Yeah !!