Clenbuterol and Ketotifen Question and information inquiry


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Hello All

Just had a few questions in regards to getting and taking Ketotifen the reason i am thinking about getting it is that while taking clen i feel like it is not effective as it should be or i am not feeling it like i did before i went to 160 mcg and i am thinking i should have felt it way more.

I also know that if you take Ketotifen you can extend your clen cycle from 2 weeks to maybe 4 or 6 i am currently doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off i was just wondering what would be the dosage of Ketotifen and clen while on a 4 or 6 week cycle and what is the dosage of those 2 are during the cycle, also how long you have to take off after the long cycle.
Take ketotifen at 1mg/day, at night, before bed. You should take it then because it can make you very drowsy. It knocks me out.
If you start it from day one of your clen cycle you can run it (clen) without doing the 2on, 2 off. I still think you should limit your clen cycle to 6-8weeks, 8 being the max I would go even with ketotifen. Keto is nice because not only does it prevent the desensitization of the beta receptors allowing the clen to remain effective, but it also allows you to keep the dosages reasonable and not have to jack them up ridiculously high.
Does keto have any beneficial effects when run with t3? I would love to run a clen/keto/t3

I feel like being able to run clen for 6 weeks will help with t3 catabolism due to its protein binding properties

Any thoughts?
cycle help?

Ok i am planning on doing a 8 week cycle of this so i would take keto on week 3 and 6 at 1 mg at night right i could do a 6 week cycle as well i will see how it goes.

Also after the clen cycle how many weeks do you need to take off.
Ok i am planning on doing a 8 week cycle of this so i would take keto on week 3 and 6 at 1 mg at night right i could do a 6 week cycle as well i will see how it goes.

Also after the clen cycle how many weeks do you need to take off.

Not right. Here is a sample protocol using Keto. It was included in the thread link I recommended you read by the way.

An example of a possible cycle for fat loss would be as follows:
wk1-6 T3 (wk1-2 25mcg ed/wk3-6 50mcg ed)
wk1-6 Albuterol 7-10mg 2X a day (or 20mg 1X a day but 2X seems best)
wk2-6 Keto 1mg ed (I recommend just before bed time, as it may make you sleepy)
T3 is pretty serious i want to get on it but it is for experienced users but i know it will help me loose a lot of weight i weigh 260

any more info on keto and clen could you take keto on more weeks
T3 is pretty serious i want to get on it but it is for experienced users but i know it will help me loose a lot of weight i weigh 260

any more info on keto and clen could you take keto on more weeks

Forget the drugs. Why mess with your thyroid? You just need a good diet. Check out carb cycling or ketogenic diets.

Nor should you ever use T3 without also using exogenous testosterone.
yea with t3 it eats your muscle i did not want to mess with that or mt thyroid.

i will stick to using clen and keto doing a 6-10 week cycle my questios or inquiry is on time off after the cycle and i giuess every 3 weeks use keto?

i have a clean diet and low carbs

i do liss cardio as well
yea with t3 it eats your muscle i did not want to mess with that or mt thyroid.

i will stick to using clen and keto doing a 6-10 week cycle my questios or inquiry is on time off after the cycle and i giuess every 3 weeks use keto?

i have a clean diet and low carbs

i do liss cardio as well

When you say "cycle" are you referring to AAS or the clen? Or both?

When you say "keto" do you mean Ketotifen or Ketogenic Diet?

As for how to use Ketotifen, did you read post #10?
When you say "cycle" are you referring to AAS or the clen? Or both?

When you say "keto" do you mean Ketotifen or Ketogenic Diet?

As for how to use Ketotifen, did you read post #10?

I was talking about clen.

i mean Ketotifen

Ok so you can run the clen for up to 8-12 weeks and taking 1 mg of keto what kind of doses like 100 mcg of clen i also have taurine potassium i am taking as well i will be hopefully starting this long cycle next week and you said about min of 4 weeks off right.
Bumping this

Tomorrow will be day 5 i will be at 100 mcg still getting used to the clen but the keto is really helping in a lot ways makes taking clen much more smooth but man it makes me drowsy lol

i am eating clean taking my supps definitely feeling the body temperature rise when walking to lunch i can break a little bit of a sweat wearing a dress shirt.

Not sure how long i will be on the clen keto cycle for 8-12 weeks is what i am shooting for, also was wondering if going to the sauna for a little bit would hurt.