Coming off pro-steroidial gel, want to cut up.


New member
I have spent the last 6 weeks using a pro sterodidal gel with good results. All my lifts increased and I put on some good muscle weight. I am running around 15-17% bodyfat and want to get it down now. I know that eating more and water retention are a part of the gel's use.

Does anyone have any suggestions on dropping the weight and keeping the muscle? I have about a 4 week window and for now my plan is really to increase my cardio to a daily 60 min from :30 a day 3 x's a week.
if you plan on running that long your body might go in catoblic state so it's better if u take a whey protein shake to risk not losing muscle mass.
Running that long will make U burn alot of fat and maybe with some a little bit of muscle. Just make sure u get alot of protein and try too slowly cut back on carbs.
andezzz999 said:
I have spent the last 6 weeks using a pro sterodidal gel with good results. All my lifts increased and I put on some good muscle weight. I am running around 15-17% bodyfat and want to get it down now. I know that eating more and water retention are a part of the gel's use.

Does anyone have any suggestions on dropping the weight and keeping the muscle? I have about a 4 week window and for now my plan is really to increase my cardio to a daily 60 min from :30 a day 3 x's a week.
that fuckin gel ? i figured it was a load of shit just to con our loot from us ?
Re: Re: Coming off pro-steroidial gel, want to cut up.

DEVILtrainer666 said:
that fuckin gel ? i figured it was a load of shit just to con our loot from us ?

Alot depends on what gel and the dose you run. I've seen good results from t1-pro at 6 ml / day. Which works out to
700 mg of 1-test and 350 mg of 4-AD per week.

If I go this route again I will definately bump it up to 8 ml a day. However this has just given me a taste for the real deal :).
I was very pleased with my results, this stuff was not bull shit, it was noticably effective. I was able to train much heavier. And no I don't work for a pro-hormone gel company.

Like most of you, I read what people experienced and decided to give it a try. I purchased mine SuperOne+, from because the ship fast and have a good rep, but im sure that there are a number of good sources out there.
The member store at anabolicminds has t1-pro gel. More 1-test and 4-ad than super one+. That is where I got my bottle, the service is great.
Make sure to register for the forum, it drops the price form like 90 to 63 for a bottle that will last 4-8 weeks.
well i suppose with all the time they have had to expieriment with making all these products better/more effective that possibly they are coming out with worthy products now . i just have bad memories of wasting a couple hundred smackers on them old pro-hormone capsules back when they were 1st coming out and only results i got were more erections at first followed by hard nips , lack of sex drive , and more delt/chest hair , and slightly more noticable thinning on my head , with minimal strenth increases , and NO noticable mass or definition from it . hell i was one of the masses that wasted loot on tribulus and dhea as well . ive made better gains not using ANY of that garbage just hitting it heavy , resting , and eating + bumping up my vitamin/minerals .
at least that way my test didnt shut down low . i mean if it shut down from pro hormones with no results then its worthless , but i trust that POSSIBLY these new gels are worth it . i would just have some ANTI-E handy for afterwards .
What I have heard is that the tablets lose a lot of there value through the digestive process where the gel, being a transdermal maintains more potency? I have tried taking the 6-oxo (post gel cycle) and for two week, I haven't noticed squat. So while i endorse the gel, the so called anti E, 6-oxo hasn't really produced andy noticibale changes.

Still have a half bottle left so I will keep you posted. I did however lose some fat coming off the gel. I dropped from 215 to 207 in about 2 weeks. My stregth has tappered only slightly though. BF from 15% to about 11% now. I have also dropped the calories and increased the cardio over the same period.
andezzz999 said:
What I have heard is that the tablets lose a lot of there value through the digestive process where the gel, being a transdermal maintains more potency? I have tried taking the 6-oxo (post gel cycle) and for two week, I haven't noticed squat. So while i endorse the gel, the so called anti E, 6-oxo hasn't really produced andy noticibale changes.

Still have a half bottle left so I will keep you posted. I did however lose some fat coming off the gel. I dropped from 215 to 207 in about 2 weeks. My stregth has tappered only slightly though. BF from 15% to about 11% now. I have also dropped the calories and increased the cardio over the same period.
its possible bro. its a mental thing . i mean your mind can push you past normal sticking points if it thinks its getting this big boost from the gel . ever notice how sometimes in tests the guys on a placebo make nearly the same gains as guys on the new products , but keep us posted yes , very interesting .
do you think the extra cardio. + reduced daily calories had the lowering of bodyfat effects ? hmmm ? but i cannot say im no expert and have never tried these gels .